Ratatat at Rapids Theatre (9/3/15)

Ratatat at Rapids Theatre (9/3/15)

I was told I’d encounter two things at Ratatat’s live show: lasers and birds. It was my first time experiencing the rock-tronica duo, comprised of Evan Mast and Mike Stroud, and after the forecast I was given, I walked into the Rapids Theatre entirely unsure of what...
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Tonight: Space Wolves

Tonight: Space Wolves

You wouldn’t necessarily guess it upon first listen, but Space Wolves’ music offers up an interesting contradiction. The duo, comprised of Chris Scamurra and Nick Reynolds, pairs woeful lyrics with docile instrumentals, then runs it all through a sprightly, retro-pop...
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Tonight: Beach House

Tonight: Beach House

Beach House is a band that wants you to pay attention to more than just their haze-pop sound. The Baltimore duo has been at it for just about 11 years now and they’ve maintained consistent notability throughout. But they’ve also been met with some opposition over,...
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Aqueous is a successful Buffalo-born band and it’s hard to argue otherwise. Success, however, is such an imprecise concept these days. It can be boiled down to every individual musician having their own definition. Even then, it’s difficult to surmise that there’s...
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Comfy // Skirts Split

Comfy // Skirts Split

It can be difficult to view a split release as a singular piece of work, and in some sense, it’s much more common and appropriate to view each artist’s contribution of songs as an individual creation. Comfy and Skirts’ latest joint EP release from Miscreant and...
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Tonight: Attic Abasement

Tonight: Attic Abasement

If you like Fridays, if you like Nietzsche’s, if you like stacked bills at Nietzsche’s, there is a 100% chance that you should locate your physical being there for tonight’s gem of a lineup. Hailing from Rochester, Attic Abasement is a low-fi indie trio...
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Tonight: Rebecca Ryskalczyk

Tonight: Rebecca Ryskalczyk

Rebecca Ryskalczyk, a current member of Bethlehem Steel and former member of the now defunct Paul’s Grandfather, is no stranger to the DIY music scene. As of late, she’s really taken the DIY attitude to heart by embarking on a solo tour. That solo tour has landed her...
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Tonight: Jaill

Tonight: Jaill

Unite The Beatles, Ty Segall, The Beets, Beach Fossils, The Spinto Band and Surfer Blood in a harmonious marriage, and Jaill is the ultra cool offspring of all six individually brilliant parents. It’d be too much of a cop out to describe ‘em as just plain surf rock,...
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Tonight: Gillian

Tonight: Gillian

In elementary school, I had this friend named Gillian (spelled the same way). She was a fearless girl careful coordinate every outfit, had every hair on her head neatly trimmed, was clear and concise, but was also totally unafraid to throw down on the monkey bars,...
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