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John Toohill

The Midnight Vein – s/t

The Midnight Vein, the first solo record from Buffalo punk rocker, John Toohill recently was self released. You may be familiar with Toohill from one of his many bands like, JOHNS, Radiation Risks, Night Slaves, or Alpha Hopper. The Midnight Vein is a slight departure from his other works, focusing more on the acoustic side of things. The album opener, “When Palm Readers Lie to Fools” is a an eerie start down the winding path that makes up this first solo outing work. The Midnight Vein has a bit of something for everyone. The opener rolls in, like a morning fog with a strong allusion towards 70s pysch folk with its modulated vocals. The Midnight Vein flows on effortlessly into the second track, “The Awaited”. It’s the kind of acoustic track that only Toohill could put out. The first moments are a slicing electric guitar riff that sets up the skeleton of[...]

Five Questions with Kassie Carlson of Guerilla Toss

Editor’s Note: Local musician John Toohill (JOHNS, the Hamiltones, Alpha Hopper) will occasionally sit down with touring bands and ask them five questions. For his latest installment, he spoke with Kassie Carlson of Boston’s Guerilla Toss, set to play Buffalo Sunday night at Sugar City. John Toohill: Kassie! Hi! Sorry to start this interview so late. Irene and I were drumming up some good voodoo for the show this weekend while down in New Orleans. Which brings me to my first question: Do you believe in ghosts and have you seen some lately? Kassie Carlson: Of course I believe in ghosts. We saw a few when G-Toss was in Upstate NY recording. I guess it all started when we were practicing and I saw a white dog on the second floor. I didnt say anything until later and then Pete goes, “Oh yeah, I’ve seen that dog,” very nonchalantly. The next morning,[...]

Night Slaves Release Debut Demo “Crown of Walls”

John Toohill (JOHNS, Alpha Hopper, the Hamiltones) and Dave Kane (Them Jazzbeards) just released the first song from the duo’s new group, Night Slaves. The dark, industrial act immediately recalls Nine Inch Nails on the unnerving demo, “Crown of Walls.” The pair will make its debut performance tonight at Nietzsche’s as part of the eighth installment of ElectroRespect, an evening of music dedicated to the late, local musician/artist/visionary, Mark Freeland. The show kicks off around 10pm. In the mean time, listen to “Crown of Walls” below, which, by the way, can be yours for a mere $100.


Editor’s Note: Local musician John Toohill (JOHNS and Alpha Hopper) will occasionally sit down with touring bands and ask them some questions. For his latest installment, he spoke with Matt Becker of Boston’s Pile, set to play Buffalo this Sunday, October 12th, at Ocean Garden Oriental Foods (1235 Niagara Street). John Toohill: Hello Pile. Are you a particular pile of anything or can any old heapin’ mass of whatevers load on up and climb aboard? Matt Becker: Hey John. This is Matt, the guy who promised you a show, dropped the ball, and Rick picked up the pieces for me. Sorry about that again. I’m dumb. That’s why Rick takes care of stuff. Basically, we’re not a pile of any one thing. I don’t think a pile should really be one thing. It’s like, if you have a whole bunch of chocolate chips, you have a mound of chocolate chips. Or if[...]

Tonight: Francie Moon

You’re an idiot! Well, maybe not. Well you are if you don’t make it to the Hoyt House tonight. What’s the Hoyt House? Oh I don’t know, just one of the best destinations for house shows in the Queen City. The West Side is doing it right between Black Dots Record Boutique, the Glitterbox and the Hoyt House, so why should you ever leave? Tonight, the Hoyt will not disappoint as the main attraction, Francie Moon, will be bringing her New Jersey distorted blues along with her. Her raspy, sultry voice will seduce you and convince you to do things, things that you may not want to remember tomorrow. Also on the bill will be Mink, the surfer punk rock outfit from former members of Inquiring Mind and Tony Rocky Horror. Rounding out the bill will be Crusasis from Brooklyn and one of Buffalo’s favorites, John Toohill, performing a solo[...]

Five Questions with Fat Creeps

Local musician John Toohill (JOHNS and Alpha Hopper) will occasionally sit down with touring bands and ask them five questions. For his latest installment, he spoke with Mariam Saleh of Boston’s Fat Creeps, set to play Buffalo tomorrow at Spiral Scratch Records. John Toohill: Hi. Are you awake? Mariam Saleh: Yupp! JT: Great! Question 2 – So I heard your band is named after all the insects the bullies made you eat as kids. Do you still eat bugs and night crawlers for song inspiration or do you just kinda like how they taste now? MS: You can get use to almost anything. That shit grows on you after a while. Stink bugs: not that bad. Not that bad at all JT: So I should just accept my strange childhood traumas and name my band “Alone at Lunch Again” or “Senior Poopy Pants?” MS: Naw, “shit guy.” Title your first release[...]

Five Questions with BAMBARA

Editor’s Note: Local musician John Toohill (JOHNS and Alpha Hopper) will occasionally sit down with touring bands and ask them five questions. For his first installment, he spoke with Blaze Bateh of Brooklyn’s BAMBARA, set to play Buffalo tomorrow at Broadway Joe’s. John Toohill: Hey, I’m getting this local blog to do a post about the show. They asked me to ask you five questions, like a mini interview. Then they will post it as promo. You into that? Blaze Bateh: Oh cool. Yeah we are definitely down. How was your trip out west? JT: Hey, I’m asking the questions around here mister. BB: Whoops. I’m such a dingus JT: Question 1 – So I just got back from Salt Lake City last week. There is a restaurant on South Main Street there called BAMBARA. Why did you name your band after that place? Are you guys all Mormon? BB:[...]