Tid’ The Season Night Two at Riverworks (12/11/21)
After taking a year off from their holiday shows, local legends Every Time I Die returned to their hometown and brought their annual Christmas shows back to Buffalo Riverworks this past weekend. Still riding high off the release of their latest critically acclaimed record released earlier this year, Radical, the Buffalo boys made for a weekend to remember for locals and out of towners alike. With pre parties and after parties on Friday and Saturday, a pre show at Rec Room on Thursday, and a massive curated list of stuff to do in the city, the boys in ETID turned Buffalo into a whirlwind for the weekend. If you were in local restaurants or small businesses, odds are you saw someone going to the shows. The energy that these shows produce not only at the venue, but in the city as well, is truly something special. Both nights, ETID played career[...]