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Tines – “Thin Blue Line / Rock and Roll Witness Protection Program”

Over the course of rock n roll’s sordid history different styles of songwriting have emerged and worked their ways to the forefront. On one end of the spectrum, bands such as Black Sabbath, The Who, and Rush, have woven together fictional stories and flawless music to create grand, theatrical performances. All the way on the other end of songwriting and storytelling resides punk rock. Its DIY ethics are breathed into every aspect of creating, performing, and way of life. Lyrics from punk bands are personal. The songs are shorter and hit harder than those of the rock n roll grandfathers. Different, yes. Worse or better, that is irrelevant. Piercing the belief that a band must chose one style or the other is Buffalo’s very own rock n roll soldiers, Tines. Members of Tines have lived in the trenches of rock n roll since the nineties, fronting various projects, running a[...]

Night Slaves – THREE AND A HALF

Operating as mysterious as the shadows that lurk after sundown, Night Slaves, a wonderful boogie-rock band with an affinity for ’60’s Brit Pop and psychedelia, have recorded a new album. THREE AND A HALF, released on Buffalo-based label Swimming Faith, appropriately dropping in mid-March during the height of the COVID-19 crisis. Regardless of the timing, THREE AND A HALF has definite staying power. Track one, “CAGE,” begins with an eerily familiar drum beat. Some recognize it as a re-imagining of the Rolling Stones hit “Get off My Cloud.” From there Night Slaves steer the track into a well-polished psych-rock groove complete with organ and synthesizer melodies that create an encompassing sound. Vocalist John Toohill cuts through with a command and ease to his vocal delivery. The lyrics tell a narrative about a return to an old form, as Toohill croons, “I’m back on the scene again.” A perfect track to[...]

Carrier Pigeons Release Debut Singles

The new year and decade has started with a resurgence of vibrancy in the Buffalo music scene, as newcomers Carrier Pigeons, introduce themselves to the world with the release of their first single, “Death of a Salesman.” The title track has definite traces of 1990s alt and grunge rock. Lead singer Logan Giddins emotes, with strength, a sense of longing. It borders on emo, but does not dive in directly. Perhaps that is due in part to the instruments used on the track. Percussion, guitar, and banjo. The banjo creeps up in the mix and compliments the tone of the track nicely with a metallic Side-B, “Waves About to Break,” seems to flip around the alt-emo-folk balance of “Death of a Salesman.” The second song is an upbeat song with a half-time tempo that makes it hard to not tap your toe. The banjo has a more prominent role, and[...]

Zazen Tapes Enters the Scene

Sean Wild has completed another part of the music business portfolio. Known for his work behind the West Side punk act Pink Guitars, Wild decided to venture from behind the cuitar and create his own record label, Zazen Tapes. The label specializes in low quantity cassette tape releases. In November of 2019, Zazen Tapes released their inaugural release, II, from the band Glue, a punk and experimental rock band, which helped introduced the label as hardcore oriented. Soon after, Zazen Tapes released Wild’s own project Pink Guitars’ We Are Made of the Sun.  The label created twenty-five copies in existence are hand dubbed on a tape deck by Wild, as well as the design, cutting, and folding of the j-cards. As an avenue of releasing music, cassette tapes have been utilized by a wide range of genres, as production costs are cheaper than vinyl, but listening is more reverential than an[...]

Oats Holy Roller – Fear Memorial Park

Music will shed light on what human beings are able to understand, yet unable to articulate. It provides a freeze-frame of circumstances and emotions that fall beyond the English language, and it will present them in a cohesive structure. The genre that routinely delivers the plight of human life in specific time periods, folk has a modern artist in its midst. Oats Holy Roller, the project headed by Buffalo’s Joseph Murray Meyers, has a unique voice and ability to deliver the mixture of modern emotions that are tied in with the technological revolution as we all step bravely into the new world. Their latest effort, an album titled Fear Memorial Park, draws heavily from folk artists of the past, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, and Joni Mitchel, while their striped down aesthetic makes the beautiful arrangements all the more powerful. Oats Holy Roller’s first released single “In Such Times//Ahhhhhhh,” tells the story of[...]

Oats Holy Roller –Fear Memorial Park

Music will shed light on what human beings are able to understand, yet unable to articulate. It provides a freeze-frame of circumstances and emotions that fall beyond the English language, and it will present them in a cohesive structure. The genre that routinely delivers the plight of human life in specific time periods, folk has a modern artist in its midst. Oats Holy Roller, the project headed by Buffalo’s Joseph Murray Meyers, has a unique voice and ability to deliver the mixture of modern emotions that are tied in with the technological revolution as we all step bravely into the new world. Their latest effort, an album titled Fear Memorial Park, draws heavily from folk artists of the past, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, and Joni Mitchel, while their striped down aesthetic makes the beautiful arrangements all the more powerful. Oats Holy Roller’s first released single “In Such Times//Ahhhhhhh,” tells the[...]

Anxious Kids Make Good People – Good By Nature

The future is uncertain. In the unknown lingers a wide array of possible emotions, which include joy, fear, and doubt. While we put our best foot forward to live in the positive aspects of life, we understand that the negatives are a possibility. Buffalo musician Devin Mullen, who writes and performs under the name Anxious Kids Make Good People, recognizes that possibility, and he has taken his best step in the direction of hope and understanding with his latest release, Good By Nature. The self-described contemptuous musician draws equally from influences such as Wilco, Fleet Foxes, and Joy Division; as well as his own emotions that walk hand-in-hand with depression and chronic illness. The result is an ambient folk sound that pulls no emotional punches. “Rebar,” the first track off of Good By Nature, begins with acoustic guitar, and the Fleet Fox influence is quite clear. A semi up-beat rhythm[...]

Tonight: Pompous Rat (Modest Mouse Tribute)

The greatest form of flattery is imitation, so what exactly does it mean to pay tribute? If you have ever checked out Buffalo’s premier Modest Mouse tribute band, Pompous Rat, the answer is simple. Overflow of love and respect. Spearheaded by The Real Movement’s Kevin Kauffman, Pompous Rat takes the main stage tonight at Nietzsche’s. Expect two sets from Modest Mouse’s expansive catalog. In addition, tonight will mark the debut performance of former Halo Nellie guitarist, Nate Miller with his new project Olmsted. The evening will have us all float on, okay. Doors at 9pm with a $7 cover. Written by Kevin Prentice

Ian McCuen – Songs of Fleeting Permanence, Vol. III

Beware the quiet man, for when others speak, he plots. Buffalo singer/songwriter with an overflow of empathy, Ian McCuen, has just completed the final step of his greatly laid plans. Volume three of Songs of Fleeting Permanence has been released. The thirty-three song collection spans three separate releases , and chronicles a period in McCuen’s life where isolation lead to great reflection and self-discovery. The album begins with the track “Buried at Sea.” A strummed chord progression played on acoustic guitar drives the song, which starts stripped down until other elements are artfully added to the mix. McCuen’s signature vocal styling, which register above a whisper but pack enough diction and emphasis to level a room, cut straight to the chase. The first lyric, “I went looking for myself/Descended straight into hell,” is as wildly creative as it is poetic, scary, and enticing. As the track progresses a piano and[...]

Tonight: Allison Pipitone and Kevin Lewis

Back beyond the tall grass and among the ghosts of Buffalo’s silos sits the rustic venue Duende. A burgeoning spot for Buffalo’s cream of the crop musicians has a ‘must-see’ show this evening. Buffalo songbird and leader of the Alison Pipitone Band, Alison Pipitone, and Kevin Lewis, lead-singer and guitarist of The Space, present an evening of acoustic originals. The two share a unique relationship that had been forged through the Buffalo music scene, as Pipitone has taken Lewis under her wing. Both talented musicians and storytellers will delight and conjure up spirits of the past and present. Doors at 6:30pm. Written by Kevin Prentice

Darth Nater – Untruth

What do you get when you cross Weird Al Yankovic with a sociopolitical agenda? The answer is Darth Nater. The musical force, which is driven by singer-songwriter Nate Noworyta and his skilled guest musicians, which include saxophonist Alec Miller and drummer Christian Bowman, have released a twelve song album titled Untruth. Please, do not take the Weird Al comparison as put-down. He is a musical genius, and Darth Nater are hot on his heels. The proof is in the pudding of the album’s first track, “Every Lie I’ve Ever Been Told.” It begins with cymbal crashes and bright electric guitars while the lyrics lament the danger of lies. After the eight bar intro, the band kicks the song into high gear and it is evident that Darth Nater has come to play. A guitar riff that sweeps through arpeggios sound like a mixture of contemporary jazz and folk/rock. Think Mountain[...]

Tonight: heave

Do you need to escape the winter cold? Nietzsches has you covered this evening with a night of soulful folk by a Christmas Tree. Tonight’s lineup will feature Heave, who will play a solo set from lead singer Emily Finlan. A good portion from Heave’s catalog will translate well to a solo acoustic performance, as many tracks from their EP Pike are stripped back and subtle. That said, it will be nice to see Emily deliver a solo version of their full band Buddy Holly-esq tune ‘Boys’. Support acts, Sidney Jeanne, a punk rock carnation, and scene newcomers Blunted Lip will round out the night. Bundle up and make your way to out.. $5 cover and doors at 8:30pm. Pike by heaveWritten by Kevin Prentice

Canetis – Putting Time Together

Things have been quite hot for newcomer Buffalo band Canetis. In short, the indie. alt-rock band formed in 2018, released their first single in July 2019, and have recently come off a raucous release show for their EP Putting Time Together. On first listen, their alt-rock sound becomes quite apparent, as well as the excellent execution of sophisticated song structure. Canetis have come to play. The first track off Putting Time Together is “Double Take,” which introduces the album with a four bar build of drums and long guitar tones. It breaks open into a syncopated guitar riff played with a palm mute. East Bay punk, Rancid and NoFx among others, popularized the fuzzed out guitar groove and lend influence throughout Putting Time Together. The transition into the chorus swings the song from groove to powerful ballad style rock and roll. Lead vocalist Brendan walks the tight rope to connect[...]

Personal Style – Demo 2019

There is nothing new under the sun. That being said, to express yourself you need to take your influences and make them your own. The fresh-faced Buffalo band of familiar faces, Personal Style, have released their first demo tape, a six song collection of tight punk rock, which they branded as their own. “Total Kontrol,” a title that shows Personal Style making the English language their own, kicks off the demo. Bryan Johnson (of Bryan Johnson and Family, honeyCOMA) delivers a punk-classic three chord winding guitar riff for two measures until the drums enter. Evan Wachowski’s jumpy drum beat establishing the song’s pulse thumps to life low in the mix. Think Iggy Pop’s “Lust for Life.” Then the song explodes into a full on punk ringer. The vocals, a low almost flat delivery in the vein of garage rock heroes Pavement, tell about a classic punk trope. The urge for[...]

Helmsley – East HIlls #1

If you have not yet heard the newest effort by Steak and Cake Records’ foot soldier Helmsley, then you should brace yourself for impact. In the vein of surrealist and expressionistic art, Helmsley wrote East Hills #1, a record full of songs that drastically distort, amplify, and warp traditional musical practices to invoke an emotional response. The first track off of the record, and the first single released, “Narcotic,” introduces the heavy Deerhoof influence that is heard through out. The song’s first five seconds blast a siren that acts as wake-up alarm. Sit up and take notice. From there it delivers a delicious bass line groove that is coated in fuzz effects. Combined with the underlying siren and back beat drums, the EDM-esque track makes it near impossible to keep one’s head from bobbing. “Narcotic” fades seamlessly into track two, “Pratt Fall.” Usually meant to refer to a humiliating instance, “Pratt Fall”[...]