Tines – “Thin Blue Line / Rock and Roll Witness Protection Program”
Over the course of rock n roll’s sordid history different styles of songwriting have emerged and worked their ways to the forefront. On one end of the spectrum, bands such as Black Sabbath, The Who, and Rush, have woven together fictional stories and flawless music to create grand, theatrical performances. All the way on the other end of songwriting and storytelling resides punk rock. Its DIY ethics are breathed into every aspect of creating, performing, and way of life. Lyrics from punk bands are personal. The songs are shorter and hit harder than those of the rock n roll grandfathers. Different, yes. Worse or better, that is irrelevant. Piercing the belief that a band must chose one style or the other is Buffalo’s very own rock n roll soldiers, Tines. Members of Tines have lived in the trenches of rock n roll since the nineties, fronting various projects, running a[...]