Just Announced: The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die

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after dark entertainment, Just Announced, michael, pianos become teeth, the world is a beautiful place & I am no longer afraid to die, waiting room
There was a time where I thought And You Will Know Us By The Trail of the Dead was the longest band name ever. How naive of me. With that being said, After Dark announced this afternoon that the atmospheric indiemo octet, The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die (TWIABP), would be making a stop at Waiting Room on Friday, August 14th. Fans of Explosions in the Sky, The Front Bottoms, or early Taking Back Sunday should buy tickets when they go on sale Friday, June 5th via Ticketfly.com. Another layer of this already delicious bill is the addition of Pianos Become Teeth on this bill. Make sure you are over 16 or you bring your parent/cool guardian.
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This post was written by Michael Moretti