Kevin J.B. O’Connor – “Follow Me”

Transplanted Buffalonian Kevin J.B. O’Connor, currently in the warmer climes of Kentucky, is someone we’re quite familiar with here at the Blog. From his original moniker of KO (here, back in 2021, so long ago) or Buffalo band Coral Collapse, which he was also part of (here, slightly less longer ago).
O’Connor has crafted here an incredibly mellow yet strong guitar forward track here. It takes a real musicians musician to throw down with just their vocals and an acoustic guitar and that’s exactly what happens here.
You can hear “Follow Me” below at no extra charge on YouTube below. You can also add to your slightly mournful yet kind of uplifting Buffalo based playlist on Soundcloud or Spotify. If you like what you’ve heard with “Follow Me,” be sure to check out the other nine tracks on his 2023 album “Alternatives.” Once a Buffalonian, always a Buffalonian – sorry Kevin, you can’t get away that easily!
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller