Just Announced: Pile

This afternoon it was announced that Boston-based heavy indie rockers / 2015 tour warriors, Pile, will be taking the stage at Mohawk Place on Sunday, May 17th. The band has literally been all over the country in 2015, playing for four months straight in support of the highly praised album You’re Better Than This. After listening to the album over and over again this afternoon, I would best describe it as meeting in the middle venn diagram between Cursive, Pissed Jeans, and Attic Abasement. The bill will definitely be the best line-up on Buffalo that night.
Support for Pile comes from spooky locals, JOHNS, who are still high on their very successful release show for Grift Marks as well as buzzing heavy-hitters, the Slums. No word on doors, but I imagine it would be on the early side and well worth your money.
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Michael Moretti