Planet Three – Equinox
Cosmic vibrations and cotton candy aural explorations abound on Equinox, the debut EP from Planet Three, yet another satisfying project from the shockingly prolific Reggie Clark and produced by the also shockingly busy Cody Morse. Emanating from the psychedelic wellspring that nourishes the sonic sorcery of psych legends The Flaming Lips, early 70’s Genesis, Tame Impala, and in a pleasing twist, proto metal gods Black Sabbath, Equinox feels unspeakably timeless and very easy on the ears. Trading VR Sunset’s airy yacht rock for bold as brass guitar heroics and Kevin Parker’s cosmic drum sounds, “Visuals” kicks Equinox into high gear with splashes of pulsating color, reverb drenched multi tracked vocals, and a detour into faerie land before crashing into the crushing, Iommiesque, ur metal riffs and throbbing, doom laden Jimmy Ciambor bass lines on “Decay.” As a guitarist Clark really digs in and shows off his skills and influences, with “Sensorium” showing some appreciation for Houses[...]