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buffaBLOG Announces 2024 Holiday Party

Well, we’re back. These past few months we have been increasing our content load and getting back on the saddle to provide our normal churn of quality local and regional bands for your listening pleasure. With that, we wanted to re-establish some of our defunct annual traditions, which include our heavily attended annual Holiday Party.   Previously, we hosted this event annually at DBGB’s, however with the closure of the establishment, we had to find a new home for the showcase and we are happy to now collaborate with Milkies for this upcoming event. If you haven’t wandered to that section of Elmwood over the past couple years, the lounge underwent a giant revamp of their menu, branding, and interior since 2023 when the general manager Nikki Rosenberg took the realm.   Our past holiday parties have featured performances by Humble Braggers, Newish Star, RADARADA, The Slums, Del Paxton, The[...]

Tonight: Pretoria

Join Grand Rapids act Pretoria as they bring their smooth indie rock stylings through Buffalo this evening. Their tight, springy indie rock is set off by a squiggly synth and beautiful male/female harmonies. Tonight, they’re joined by gypsy rock act hauntedgypsy as well as a slew of local talent including Ekohta, Green Schwinn, and Boney Tony. Tonight’s show is at Milkie’s on Elmwood Ave. The show starts at 8pm and requires $7 to get in. Friendly reminder – this show is a 21+ event. Cape Town by Pretoria

Tonight: Nylon Otters

Looking for something to do tonight? Perhaps you should spend your Saturday night checking out some heartfelt indie and rock music. Buffalonian mainstays Nylon Otters (warbly feel-good indie rock) and Passed Out (heartfelt and blistering indie-emos) are anchoring the show, featuring a very special set from Ithaca’s Wildflwr. Rounding out the evening is an ambient opening set from Depression Quilts. Tonight’s show is at 9pm at Milkie’s on Elmwood. Bring $5. Demo #1 by Wildflwr

Tonight: Comfy

Philadelphia (ex-Utica) quartet Comfy will be visiting Buffalo tonight for a night of debauchery and music. Their latest offering, Thanks For The Ride, is certainly a 2018 buffaBLOG favorite, and we are happy to welcome the relocated act back to Buffalo with open arms. Joining them is fellow buffaBLOG all-star Sonny Baker, Philly bedroom-popper Jacob Crofoot, and hometown post-party act, Party’s Over. Tonight’s show is at Milkie’s. The show is at 7pm, costs $7, and is 21+. Thanks For The Ride by Comfy

Tonight: Blis.

Last minute show alert! Atlantan midwest-twinkle act Blis. is swinging through tonight to play a passionate set of guitar-driven emo/rock to us Buffalonians… Joining them are NJ act Puddle Splasher, who play equally emotive (but occasionally synth/fuzz tinged) emo rock. They’re bolstered by some of Buffalo’s finest, including math-emo prodigies Alleys, shoegazy-emo act Previous Love, and solo act Milo Duhn. Tonight’s show is at 7pm at Milkie’s. Bring $5-$10 for a donation. No One Loves You by blis

Tonight: Good In The Dark

Tonight Good In The Dark hits up Milkie’s on Elmwood with support from local grunge rock heroes Ugly Sun and Nylon Otters. Hailing from Harrisburg PA,  Good In The Dark specializes in a moody and sexy take on New Wave, with bassist lead vocalist Heather Perry occasionally channeling the legendary Francoise Hardy to tremendous effect. Getting it all going will be reliable local indie rockers Nylon Otters and the ever satisfying Ugly Sun, just back from bopping around the Rust Belt with their heavy yet deeply melodious jams. Doors for this “secret show” open at 9pm and cover is   $5. Rafters by Good In The Dark

Tonight: Sunday Brunch

Don’t be confused when you see the words “Sunday Brunch” – despite what it may seem, buffaBLOG is still a music-based blog (sorry foodies). The Sunday Brunch we’re referring to is actually a Buffalo-based post-hardcore quartet specializing in cathartic, gravely-voiced jams via their latest offering, the aptly-named Eat Your Heart Out. They’re sharing the stage tonight with Philly alt-rockers Slophouse and the space-case indie rock duo sheds. Milkie’s is the place to be tonight. Bring $5 and show up at 8pm to catch all the music. Quick reminder that Milkie’s is 21+ for any of you youngins out there. Eat Your Heart Out by Sunday Brunch

Tonight: Hello Shark

Sometimes you just need an off-the-beaten-path, genre-defying show to cap off your weekend… If that’s the case, we know we’ll see you at Milkie’s tonight. Philly sad-boy Hello Shark will be jamming his literate, casio-driven poetry tonight alongside the literal caveman proto-punk of Boston’s The Cavemen. Local support is also aplenty, with applicable sets from vox & vibes duo Welks Mice, the ever-creative Lesionread Jazz Band, and a debut performance from Slinky X. Doors for tonight’s show are at 7pm. Bring $5 so you can get in the door.

Tonight: Secret Stuff

Hey you, are you a fan of fantastic emo music, supporting local music, and helping touring bands? Please consider attending a fine showcase this evening featuring emo revivalists Secret Stuff. The Nashville act specializes in sparkling, noodly indie rock for fans of American Football, Foxing, or Mineral. Joining the showcase are equally fantastic Buffalo emo acts Marigold and Honey, as well as newcomers Worse Things. Tonight’s show is at Milkie’s on Elmwood. Doors are at 6:00pm, music starts at 7:00. Should be a short-n-sweet set for all you 9 to 5ers. Bring $5 for the touring band. Secret Stuff / Sundressed Split EP by Secret Stuff

Tonight: Ghost Slime

It’s a beautiful Monday in June… What better way to ring in the evening than to support your local DIY scene and catch some top-tier math punk courtesy of Ohio punx Ghost Slime and Backtalk? Buffalo emo kingpins Alleys are also going to shred this evening, as well as a potential last-minute TBA announcement. This is sure to be a night of passion, emotion, and unstoppable riffage. Tonight’s show is at Milkies. Bring $5 so you can walk in the door, and that way, the bands can also get paid. Human Stories by GHOST SLIME

Tonight: Green Slime

Tonight, Milkies on Elmwood will be hosting a short, sweet show showcasing three local acts.  Freshly formed fuzzed out rock two piece, Green Slime, are on the bill, and are sure to rip through plenty of tracks of their great Self Titled release, which came out this September.  Also featured on the bill are lo fi punk two piece, Space is Haunted, fresh off of the release of a new album, titled Contact.   The show will be rounded out by indie psych act Chevron Bloom. Doors open at 8pm and admission is only $5.  Small price to pay for a stacked gig.

Tonight: Dogs in Stereo

Dogs in Stereo is a relative of Travis Morrison’s Travistan or some of Jawbox’s work. Shrouded in lo-fi, Dogs in Stereo thrive on telling acoustic pieces often paired with classic retro drum tones and completely morphing effects like chorus. Their latest release, I Peaked in ’07, is a moody, deep twisted saga. “Finally Feelin'” is reminiscent of Mac Demarco’s old releases. Joining Dogs in Stereo at Milkie’s is Moody Cosmos and Suburbs. The first is a Fredonia-bred psych pop group that sounds like Girls and the other is an upbeat side project of Tomoreaux/Holland Purchase. Doors are at 8pm with a $5 cover.

Tonight: Lockedown

Katie Locke, better known under the moniker Lockedown, is no stranger to the electro-pop scene in Buffalo. Her debut album Taste is a convincing expression of sensory driven memories. The wide array of synth tones, vocal effects and rhythm explore both space and depth within the sound, which I really appreciate (best experienced out loud through quality speakers). Though the instrumentals bring a sense of lightness and whimsy, there’s enough backbone in the core melodies and vocal styling to really take hold of you. My favorite track off the album ,”Cracked”, illustrates this perfectly. Catch Lockedown tonight at Milkie’s alongside The Nigh and Nate Cox. Doors are at 8pm, $5 entry.

Tonight: Palberta

Head down to Milkies on Elmwood tonight for a nice little freaky Tuesday night treat.  This will be your final chance to catch Buffalo act Jamie and the Debt, as one member will shortly be moving to the land down under.  Other locals on the bill include Slow Mutants and Much Band.  The bill will also feature the undefinable Palberta from NYC.  There’s no doubt in my mind that things are sure to get a little freaky tonight. The show is set to kick off at 8pm at Milkies, with a small cover charge of only 3 bucks. Head out to see some great live acts and send off Jamie and the Debt the right way.

Tonight: Taking Back Saturday

We all wish we could go back to a simpler time. Let that time be the early 2000’s, when the likes of Bert McCracken and Gerard Way reigned supreme and teased half-mullets were the hairstyle of choice. Sure, the emo kids got shat on as much as any hipster does today but let’s face it, we loved emo music and emo music loved us. buffaBLOG is kicking off our “Taking Back Saturday: A Night of Emo Music” series tonight at Milkie’s on Elmwood, with plans to make it a continual event. What other time will it be appropriate to bust out your youth sized At The Drive-In shirt and channel Adam Lazzara’s stage moves? To make things extra nostalgic, there will be guest DJ appearances from Jeff Czum (Cute Is What We AIm For), Anthony Musior (Mandy K), and Nick Sessanna (In Motion). 10pm fun, $5 is all it will[...]