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Tonight: Well Rounded People’s Party [no. 3]

The night before Thanksgiving is sometimes thought of as one of the biggest party nights of the year as people goad themselves for the coming onslaught of awkward family interactions. Well, instead of the usual bar crawl or at least before the usual bar crawl why not take some time for some positive fun that goes toward a good cause at the third annual Well Rounded People’s Party. Even more exciting…you can have this fun on wheels! The Well Rounded People’s Party is an “all ages/all peoples” event and a rare opportunity to get your innovative media, great DJ sets, delicious food provided by West Side Bazaar, and an old-fashioned roller skating fun in one place. With sets by DJ Cutler, UVB76, Greg Howze, and DJ Dana Dancehammer, as well as an interactive live video projection by Chris Svoboda, this is sure to be a great time. So take some[...]

Tonight: WSADA 14

It’s mid November, and right on schedule, the Bills’ season is pretty much over. Thankfully, this should clear up your Sundays to do something a bit more productive, something like attending the latest WSADA series installment at the WASH Project on Massachusetts. WSADA, now at #14, is a reoccurring bill showcasing challenging experimental artists that are very left of the dial from Buffalo and beyond. Tonight’s bill is features acoustic noise trio, Sult, in addition to local multimedia project, Flatsitter (check out the profile Cory Perla of The Public did last week), and abstract video artist Brian Murphy. The show kicks off at tonight at 8pm. $5 cover and its BYOB.

Tonight: Solitary Excursions

Over on Massachusetts Ave, the revitalized laundry mat, which operates under the name of the WASH Project, will be hosting an evening of experimental musicians called Solitary Excursions. Leading the way is Iowa’s Curt Oren, a jazz oriented looping musician, and quite the baker so says his bandcamp page, and Erie, PA minimalist Onewayness, an artist who beautifully marries drone and ambiance with acoustic instrumentation. Think the Books and you have a nice starting point. Local support will come in the form of avant-grade jazz musician Zane Merritt and celestial laptop musician Transfer in Jamaica, the latter making his live music debut. $5 will gain you entry, and, according to the facebook event, access to a couple dozen of Oren’s homemade cookies, so don’t be late.

Tonight: WSADA 11

Ever wanted to dissolve into a bubble of sound and feel effaced by the grains of noise? Tonight, The Wash Project presents a throng of experimental sound and noise artists both from Buffalo and parts of Ohio that connect and twist the notion of what music is and how it can be manipulated. You may recognize Buffalo native Needles Numark who runs The Upstate Soundscape, a blog focusing more on experimental and associative music. The other Buffalo artist is the group Low Prospects, a duo working with deep drone tapes and “experimental onions” (looking forward to what those will sound like looped). From the Midwest, we have Church Slut, Fanngface, and Karl Vorndran. They are all working with harsher sounds that grit and grind down the foreground and then let up to encourage space. Karl Vorndran’s latest release, Thawing, uses a modular synthesis to produce stretching tones that produce a[...]