Tonight: Solitary Excursions

Over on Massachusetts Ave, the revitalized laundry mat, which operates under the name of the WASH Project, will be hosting an evening of experimental musicians called Solitary Excursions. Leading the way is Iowa’s Curt Oren, a jazz oriented looping musician, and quite the baker so says his bandcamp page, and Erie, PA minimalist Onewayness, an artist who beautifully marries drone and ambiance with acoustic instrumentation. Think the Books and you have a nice starting point.
Local support will come in the form of avant-grade jazz musician Zane Merritt and celestial laptop musician Transfer in Jamaica, the latter making his live music debut.
$5 will gain you entry, and, according to the facebook event, access to a couple dozen of Oren’s homemade cookies, so don’t be late.
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This post was written by Mac McGuire