Tonight: Proxemia
Sound is as malleable as silly putty. Bend it, twist it, or hit it, audio frequencies have the superpower to make you shake that ass or run screaming for your hanky. The setting is Dreamland. The theme evokes the kind of ambient, experimental content that the venue has become so beloved for amongst those that appreciate the avant-garde. This particular exposition takes full advantage of the spatial environment, and how sound reacts within it. Bouncing and reverberating off walls, straight into your inner ear. Proxemia is the brainchild of multimedia artist Jose Rivera. Taking full advantage of his background in architecture and music, he composes layered soundscapes by way of samples and field recordings. Be transported away to places not of this earthly realm, but inherently grounded within it. The environments that only exist in the concentrated thought patterns of Rivera and his utilities. Rivera also recorded a song with[...]