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Tonight: Proxemia

Sound is as malleable as silly putty. Bend it, twist it, or hit it, audio frequencies have the superpower to make you shake that ass or run screaming for your hanky. The setting is Dreamland. The theme evokes the kind of ambient, experimental content that the venue has become so beloved for amongst those that appreciate the avant-garde. This particular exposition takes full advantage of the spatial environment, and how sound reacts within it. Bouncing and reverberating off walls, straight into your inner ear. Proxemia is the brainchild of multimedia artist Jose Rivera. Taking full advantage of his background in architecture and music, he composes layered soundscapes by way of samples and field recordings. Be transported away to places not of this earthly realm, but inherently grounded within it. The environments that only exist in the concentrated thought patterns of Rivera and his utilities. Rivera also recorded a song with[...]

Tonight: WSADA 11

Ever wanted to dissolve into a bubble of sound and feel effaced by the grains of noise? Tonight, The Wash Project presents a throng of experimental sound and noise artists both from Buffalo and parts of Ohio that connect and twist the notion of what music is and how it can be manipulated. You may recognize Buffalo native Needles Numark who runs The Upstate Soundscape, a blog focusing more on experimental and associative music. The other Buffalo artist is the group Low Prospects, a duo working with deep drone tapes and “experimental onions” (looking forward to what those will sound like looped). From the Midwest, we have Church Slut, Fanngface, and Karl Vorndran. They are all working with harsher sounds that grit and grind down the foreground and then let up to encourage space. Karl Vorndran’s latest release, Thawing, uses a modular synthesis to produce stretching tones that produce a[...]

Tonight: The Moon

Gotta love impossible-to-Google jazz ensembles. And you gotta love idiosyncratic, downtown art spaces that bring them to you, live, so you can leave all the Googling at home or in your pocket and just enjoy the show. The Moon is the NYC-based, free-form team of Adam Caine and Federico Ughi, whose guitar/drum duets are at once reminiscent of the deep psych of Brainticket, the soothing melodiousness of Cluster, and the off-kilter math of Ponytail, and they are performing at the new(ish) art-show space Dreamland tonight at 7pm. I’m not sure exactly what local composer/performers T.J. Borden and Kevin Cain have in store for their support sets (though the former has already warned attendees to bring earplugs for his set with Zane Merritt, Steve Baczkowski, and Jim Abramson, which will probably be noisy as fuck, and the latter is no stranger to strange acoustic experiments [as an aside, check out his upcoming[...]

Silo Sessions Announces Launch Party

Since closing up shop at the Vault last year, former venue runner Kevin Cain has had his hands in various projects, including the former Monday night Inventory Series at Hardware, curating diverse local showcases all over Buffalo, and performing with a cast of musicians in all forms and sounds. On Saturday, June 14th Cain’s long time pet project, Silo Sessions, will finally make its debut. Cain has spent the last year recording and taping musicians in the Perot Grain Elevator at Silo City. Julie Byrne, Dirty Projector’s Nat Baldwin, and Sam Goodwell are among the sessions first installment of intimate performances, which are planned to be released as a video blog. In honor of the session series, Cain will host a launch party, featuring many of the Silo Sessions contributors, in addition to local acts like Mallwalkers, Jack Toft, Alex Berkley & the Atlanta Falcons, and more. The event will consist of three[...]