Tonight: Teenanger
Tonight Mohawk Place is hosting a night of punk throwdowns. Stopping in from Toronto are punk heavyweights Teenanger. Teenanger are a four-piece whose music ranges from Toronto hardcore punk to a more plaintive and toned down post-punk. Their last LP, Teenager echoes the post-punk vibes of Joy Division while still staying true to the stripped down and energetic chaos of Teenanger’s previous outings. They’re fun, there are synths, and you don’t want to miss them. Joining Teenanger tonight will be Hot Tip, who always bring it when they’re on stage. Hot Tip have a new demo tape out that’s a small sneak peek at what they’ve got coming for their 2nd LP. Also performing will be Saturn V, who are past members of Mapmaker, Cross Stitch, and Basement Rat. Show at 8pm and bring $5 for the door.