Tonight: Wildhoney

Tonight at Mohawk Place: a pretty interesting bill to make your Tuesday feel good. Baltimore’s Wildhoney will be coming through, supported by locals Hot Tip and Alpha Hopper.
A good shoegaze band has a knack for bringing out the best in a song by softening the edges, and Wildhoney can definitely do that. There are elements to their newest EP, Seventeen Forever, that I bet are going to tear some people apart live. But at their best, what they’re doing just sounds gorgeous .
Hot Tip and Alpha Hopper, as you may know, sound much more aggressive. Check this post and this post for proof. Definitely interested to see how it’ll all play out live, but feeling pretty thumbs up about it.
Show starts at 8pm. $5 at the door, which is a steal. Facebook event here for more info.
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This post was written by Dan Bauer