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En-Vitro – “Bury Me”

Los Angeles based En-Vitro brings us their latest single “Bury Me” off of their self titled album. You get about four seconds of calm before En-Vitro launches into their frenetic, guitar-heavy track and they don’t really ever let up on the gas. The bass and drums barely have any time to breathe as they are absolutely ratioed by the guitar (is it two guitars, forty guitars? Yes). Interestingly, I felt there were some similarities with son of deni; one of the other bands we covered recently (like, also today).   You can hear “Bury Me” over on YouTube below or add it to your prog tinged post punk playlist on Spotify. The rest of their album is out now and well worth the listen if “Bury Me” scratches your musical itch. Be sure to check out the band’s linktree and give them a follow to stay up to date.  

son of deni x eli’s ladder – “Snowly”

A team up betwixt son of deni and eli’s ladder, “Snowly” is the newest single off of son of deni’s upcoming album. This is a math rock track through and through; ridiculous time signatures and enough starts and stops to make your head spin. It also somehow breaks the space time continuum and feels simultaneously longer AND shorter than its sub-three-minute run time. Punctuated by the gentlest of vocals several times throughout, this isn’t simply an instrumental bonanza. Fans of The Fall of Troy or American Football would find a lot to enjoy here.   You can hear “Snowly” below from YouTube or add it to your math rock playlist over on Spotify.   A name wasn’t mentioned for son of deni’s future album, but if you like what you hear be sure to give the band a follow on their socials to stay up to date.      [...]

Muscle Memory – “Body Of Light”

Muscle Memory are a NYC based duo (Michael Tapper and Steven Reker) who are already well established DJs separately. Together though? They have crafted an impeccably danceable track with “Body of Light.” It’s a delightful medley of synth, effects, a dash of guitar, and general mayhem. Fans of Passion Pit, Magdalena Bay, or LCD Soundsystem would find a lot to enjoy here, as would anyone looking for some indie music that’s impossible not to dance to. I had trouble writing this blog on time because my hands wouldn’t stop tapping to the beat (sorry editor, please don’t be mad). You can hear “Body of Light” below from YouTube. If you were confused like I was initially by the multiple versions, don’t be, as this is intentional. I highly recommend checking out the Club Mix version here. Find your favorite or enjoy them all (or don’t, I’m not your boss…but you[...]

Two Point Oh – “Jackie Smile”

New Jersey based emo act Two Point Oh not only seems to have a marketing degree and have spelled their name phonetically, but also has a new single out, “Jackie Smile.” Bringing in some raw emo and pop elements is just what the doctor ordered here; the lyrics are heartfelt (about a long lost acquaintance flashing a smile from across the street); the guitars are somber; and the hooks are… well… hook felt. I’d be interested to hear how many vocal cords and guitar strings were destroyed with this intro alone (seriously, try screaming YEAAAAAHHHHHHH and imagine doing several takes of that). If anyone from the band has that number, I’d be interested to hear. You can hear “Jackie Smile” from YouTube below or add it to your cathartic outside feelings playlist on Spotify or Apple Music. This is an easy one to rock the fuck out to, which you[...]

Mondaze – “Son of the Rambling Dawn”

Four piece Mondaze brings us their latest dose of Italian shoegaze with “Son of the Rambling Dawn,” a phuzzed out affair that we’re diggin’ this week at The Blog. Robust guitars wail and whine, only barely ceding to give the vocals room to breathe (and hold their own!). Fans of Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine or their ilk would find a lot to enjoy here. Speaking to the track, the band had this to say: “[It delves into] the fleeting nature of life and the unavoidable fate that accompanies it, where uncertainty reigns and everything is destined to change.” You can hear “Son of the Rambling Dawn” below from YouTube. As always, it can be found on your preferred streaming service (if not YouTube): Bandcamp, Spotify or one of one of eight million others. You’ll also be able to find it on their upcoming album Linger due out November 11.    [...]

Slow Coast – “Double Vision”

Bay Area based Slow Coast brings us their latest track “Double Vision.” Not to be confused with fellow Californians Best Coast (based on the name alone). The track itself is a layered guitar leaning affair in a similar vein to Arctic Monkeys with boss vocals to match. The instrumental breakdown is something purely of beauty and well worth the experiencing as a whole with the rest of the track.  Speaking to the track, the band said: ” This song explores the paradox of feeling on top of the world one moment and worthless the next; and the internal battle of overcoming this feeling.” All completely valid feelings and easy to communicate.  The up tempo lyrics contrast starkly with the deeply inward lyrics and play hard into the experience Slow Coast is working toward. You can hear “Double Vision” over on YouTube or add to your Soundcloud/Spotify playlist of hook laden[...]

Matilda Schyborger – “Overthinking”

“Overthinking” is the latest from Swedish based Matilda Schyborger and it’s one of our favorites this week at The Blog. Synth and guitar feature prominently – with the former popping off within the first minute. Clever lyrics delivered smartly are a big thing for me and I’ll always tip my cap to word play (I think I overthink again/questioning whether I’m relevant). The slow parts really make this song and help it stand out from an otherwise oversaturated market of phuzzy synth based pop goodness. Musically, this reminded me a lot of Courtney Barnett as far as general sound – fans of Wet Leg and Soccer Mommy will be pleased as well. You can hear “Overthinking” below from YouTube over add it to your introspective pop mix on Spotify. Let us know how you feel about it so we can        

Caleb L’Etoile – “Tick (feat. Jessy Leigh)”

Fresh off of the I’m Always Haunted EP, “Tick” is the latest from Caleb L’Etoile and it’s here just in time for spooky season! Using everyone’s favorite insect arachnid (the tick, who knew?) the song becomes an extended metaphor for obsessive love but stops short of mentioning Lyme disease by name (thank you). The track itself features dueling vocals between L’Etoile and Jessy Leigh and a cavalcade of chillwave-ish sounds and effects which create a fun juxtaposition with the gross subject matter. Also, mad props to Jessy Leigh’s Twtter background (it’s from Junji Ito’s Uzumaki). You can hear “Tick” below from YouTube or add it to your spoopy season mix on Spotify or Soundcloud (or main playlist if you’re spooky all the time). The rest of the EP is available now as well, so be sure to check out the rest -including a couple punk covers!    

dayaway x draigh – “Lost on You”

Amber Renee of dayaway and bandmate Graham Marsh (under the guise of their side project draigh) bring us their latest with collab track, “Lost on You.” You’ll be lulled into a delightful indie daze for days with strumming guitars that have a mournful indie folk tinge playing along with Renee’s impossibly gorgeous vocals. Speaking to the track (and explaining how I detected the “mournful” bit) Renee had this to say: “Lost on You’ is really quite a sad song. It’s about the realization that you love someone who isn’t in a place to receive it. Your love is real, but it’s wasted on someone who can’t hold its weight.” You can watch the music video for “Lost on You” below via YouTube or add it to your melancholy playlist over on Soundcloud or Spotify. You can hear it on the new EP, A Dream Away out December 12 (Turn to Wind[...]

soft siren – “Almost Crying”

California based soft siren, a project between Sidewalks and Skeletons, Count the Clock, and CASHFORGOLD, brings us their latest single “Almost Crying.” I have no idea how three different bands come together like that, but the results are far more than satisfactory and indeed kick ass. The gentle yet deliberate instrumentals do a reverse shoegaze to dreampop parabolic arc mix. More specifically, it starts in the dream pop-verse (watch out MCU) and gradually shifts gears into a hazy shoegaze romp. The vocals from Jacqueline Torgerson (of CASHFORGOLD) are appropriately wispy-yet-very-much-grounded-and-present. The 90’s influences of bands like Cocteau Twins and Slowdive are unmistakable and purposeful yet are simply the same chords with a fresh coat of paint. Anyone who came of age in the 90’s will have a ball here, as well as anyone with even a passing enjoyment of the less is more approach. You can hear “Almost Crying” below[...]

MANA – “Nauseating Me”

Irish-bred (but Berlin-based) three piece MANA brings us their second single “Nauseating Me.” I got some Kings of Leon vibes in the best way possible – the passionate vocals were reminiscent of singer Caleb Followill. The guitars are immediate and in your face, but then pull back a little bit for the bridge, combining jangly and at times more effects laden shoegazy antics (that lends itself to a post-punk feel). As per the band: “The lyrics allude to defiance and hope in the face of polarization, cynicism and displacement.” I’m personally awful at hearing the lyrics without them written down in front of me, but based on the instrumentals, that seems to track! You can watch the music video below on YouTube or add it to your “Irish Bands Other Than Dropkick” Spotify playlist. No hate, people just assume it’s just them and Sinead O’Connor who came out of Ireland[...]

Optometry – “Comets”

Los Angeles based duo Optometry has a new track out called “Comets” and it’s the next juicy synth track you’ve been looking for. Made up of John Tejada and March Adstrum, they absolutely obliterate your ear drums in all of the best ways with a delightfully rhythmic thump (apparently made possible by vintage drum machines…which begs the question…are vintage drum machines just drummers from the 80’s imprisoned inside a drum kit?) Synth and drums combine forces with vocals from March Adstrum (who has performance and writing credits), and she does a wonderful job bringing depth and warmth to an otherwise mechanized affair. Fans of Tame Impala (who I still refuse to believe is one person) will find a lot to enjoy here, especially those with an appreciation of the use of vintage equipment. You can hear it below from YouTube or add it to your Spotify playlist of dark drum and[...]

Clover County – “Ultraviolet”

Hailing from Athens, Georgia, Clover Country brings us her latest single “Ultraviolet.” The track is beautifully produced with a steady acoustic guitar leading the charge that meshes well with CC’s vocals. The gentler parts are tenderly picked, but never lose their luster, along with horn interludes and little bits of what sounds like xylophone thrown in for fun. The strongest part is undoubtedly the vocals, as Clover Country ebbs and flows with the instrumentals with her strong set of pipes. Fans of indie country pop crossovers like Band of Horses would find a lot to enjoy here, as would anyone who secretly enjoys Taylor Swift but is too embarrassed to say so. You can hear “Ultraviolet” below from Soundcloud or add to your indie pop playlist on Spotify or Apple Music. The other two tracks on the single are well worth your time, and skew toward a more country mouthfeel[...]

Stripes – “Operation: No Hell”

NYC based Stripes, a four piece lead by Izzy MK, bring us their latest with “Operation: Not Hell,” a raucous affair that’s filled to the brim of… just plain ole fun! Jangly guitars feature heavily that get taken over with MORE furiously attacked guitar that just feels like an amusement park ride that goes up and down and sideways and upside-down. I got some Phoenix-meets-Alvvays-with-a-shot-of-adrenaline vibes here, but neither have the copyright on fun, as that seems to currently belong to Stripes (not to be confused with that other stripe-themed band). You can watch the music video for “Operation: Not Hell” on YouTube  below or add to your zany bops playlist on Bandcamp or Spotify. This track really sang out to me and if you’re into bouncing obnoxiously around whatever room you’re in, this is the song for you! Their other tracks vary, but be sure to also check out[...]

Ferrn – “Drowned”

“Drowned” is the latest from Ferrn; a Chicago-based band that seems to be the brainchild Ryan Joseph Fernandez Backman (based on what I found in song credits). Self-described as “Chicago swamp pop,” we’re greeted with a delightful synth intro that gives way to fuzzy guitar and Backman’s vocals. The synth really goes into some interesting places throughout the track and shares the spotlight 50/50 with the guitar. I was disappointed I didn’t hear more swampland creatures featured, but I’ll forgive that for such a tight sound – plus, swamp creatures are notoriously difficult to work with (and are on a strike last I knew). Fans of Day Wave or Local Natives would find a lot to enjoy here, as would anyone with an ear for synth and guitar pop. You can hear “Drowned” below from YouTube or over on Bandcamp and Spotify. With two singles and a decent number of[...]