En-Vitro – “Bury Me”
Los Angeles based En-Vitro brings us their latest single “Bury Me” off of their self titled album. You get about four seconds of calm before En-Vitro launches into their frenetic, guitar-heavy track and they don’t really ever let up on the gas. The bass and drums barely have any time to breathe as they are absolutely ratioed by the guitar (is it two guitars, forty guitars? Yes). Interestingly, I felt there were some similarities with son of deni; one of the other bands we covered recently (like, also today). You can hear “Bury Me” over on YouTube below or add it to your prog tinged post punk playlist on Spotify. The rest of their album is out now and well worth the listen if “Bury Me” scratches your musical itch. Be sure to check out the band’s linktree and give them a follow to stay up to date.