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Stripes – “Forever, It Won’t Change”

“Forever, It Won’t Change” is the newest single from NY based Stripes (of the non-white-color sort). Channeling some Karen O/Yeah Yeah Yeahs vibes in the best way possible, Izzy MK and company give us the ole razzle dazzle. A raucous opening begins with a cacophony of sound and never takes its foot off the gas but for a short breakdown of bass and drums. 2:58 feels like the perfect amount of time for a pop track of this caliber, but, at the same time, I want another track. With the bands output, I’m sure we won’t wait too long!   In what is simply a criminal act by the band, they put the most adorable dog on the cover of the single yet don’t feature the dog (named Luna, apparently) once in the music video.   Check out the music video for “Forever, It Won’t Change” below from YouTube and[...]

Bodywash – “Last Christmas (Wham! Cover)”

Montreal based Bodywash and their cover of “Last Christmas” won’t lose you Whamageddon, as the rules explicitly state that covers are exempt, so listen to this and you will be safe (at least here… maybe).   Bodywash is Chris Steward and Rosie Long Decter – college friends who eventually started making music together. Their rendition takes away the 80’s synth and massive amounts of cocaine (seriously, watch the video – the snow is clearly allegorical) and brings a more contemporary feel with understated, blissed-out guitar and slightly more contemporary synth.   They do a great job of recapturing the breathy vocals without being overwrought, which is an impressive feat on its own. I think the existential dread that gets overlooked in the original is also a bit more fleshed out.   You can hear the “Last Christmas” cover over on Spotify and add it to your rotation of holiday songs[...]

Tag Dag – “Suburban Summer”

“Suburban Summer” is the latest single from Melbourne based Tag Dag. From what I can tell, this is a solo act as the writing credits are for a Andrew Peter Longmore Chalmers. With that many names, you’ve gotta friggin’ rock, right? With all seriousness, absolutely.   Filled to the brim with layered lo-fi phuzzed out guitar, this was, for me, an instant ear worm… Ever have that song that just gets stuck in your head constantly? For me that is “Feel the Pain” Dinosaur Jr. I’m by no means a superfan but casually enjoy them. The comparison to “Suburban Summer” is an easy one, but totally on the nose. They also tie in hints of 80s post-punk (think Joy Division) with splashes of 2000’s era goodness like Cloud Nothings or JAPANDROIDS.   You can hear “Suburban Summer” below on YouTube or add it to your Aussie mix over on Spotify.[...]

They Owe Us – “Hobo Waltz”

Swedish based They Owe Us is the project of Kristoffer Ragnstam, known for working with Mumford & Sons as well as Maia Hirasawa. Reminiscent of Joshua Tillman’s big sound he brings as Father John Misty, you’ll definitely feel the vibes of the psychedelic pop meets dream pop that Ragnstam brings to the fold here. Guitars, drums, synth, and a surprising horn section will get you worked up and ready to take on the world. I felt some vibes of early Doors too; something my editor’s mother would certainly appreciate (she seriously loves Jim Morrison).   You can hear “Hobo Waltz” on YouTube or add it to your cool indie rock playlist that you share with your parents on Spotify. If you like what you’ve heard you won’t have too much to wait for their next full length; All on RED is due out on April 25 of next year.  

Brave The Storm x Diviners x Rave The Storm x Arnie Way – “Rivers”

“Rivers” is the latest single and a HUGE collab between LOTS of different people (including Brave the Storm, Diviners, and Arnie Way). The track itself is very melodic, with a surprisingly heartfelt sound that will most certainly reverberate through your skull. This is a great track for indie rock fans who maybe aren’t super into EDM to get more of a taste than the mainstream. With a very vocal-forward mouthfeel, “Rivers” feels accessible without sacrificing the pulsating beat that makes listening to EDM so great. Queue this up, feel the vibes, and you’ll most assuredly have a good time. You can watch the lyric video for “Rivers” below on YouTube as well as add to your EDM flavored playlists for a fun night (or after party) on Spotify.    

Housewife – “Divorce”

Housewife, the project of Brighid Fry (she/they), brings us their latest single with “Divorce.” We previously covered Housewife here and, much like then, we love what’s happening. Fry does a fantastic job of building up; playing off of the guitar and drums with her vocals and giving everything enough time to percolate/crescendo… and then falling back to leave us wanting for more. Divorce is seldom a fun or uplifting subject but Fry does a spectacular job of keeping the listener engaged and not dragging us down in the doldrums. You can hear “Divorce” (with lyrics, which is super helpful for me because I need the written word to understand anything) on YouTube or add it to your your Spotify playlist of badass indie dream pop. The rest of the EP is well worth the listen -specifically the aforementioned “Life of the Party” as well as “I Lied.”  

Kevin J.B. O’Connor – “Follow Me”

Transplanted Buffalonian Kevin J.B. O’Connor, currently in the warmer climes of Kentucky, is someone we’re quite familiar with here at the Blog. From his original moniker of KO (here, back in 2021, so long ago) or Buffalo band Coral Collapse, which he was also part of (here, slightly less longer ago). O’Connor has crafted here an incredibly mellow yet strong guitar forward track here. It takes a real musicians musician to throw down with just their vocals and an acoustic guitar and that’s exactly what happens here. You can hear “Follow Me” below at no extra charge on YouTube below. You can also add to your slightly mournful yet kind of uplifting Buffalo based playlist on Soundcloud or Spotify. If you like what you’ve heard with “Follow Me,” be sure to check out the other nine tracks on his 2023 album “Alternatives.” Once a Buffalonian, always a Buffalonian – sorry[...]

The Breakables – “Stonehenge”

“Stonehenge” is the latest from Toronto based four piece The Breakables. Counting at least one Buffalo Bills fan among them, they were obviously alright in my book (before I even hit play on the track). After I hit play though, I’m happy with what I hear, as I’m greeted by a smooth-as-butter bass line that is featured throughout. The rest of the track is jangly, with almost frenetic guitar picking, set off by some random piano and bell-tone effects thrown in. Fans of Grandaddy, Pinegrove, or even Arcade Fire would find a lot to enjoy here between the instrumentals and lyrics, as would anyone who is a Buffalo Bills fan who wants to support another Bills fan.   You can hear “Stonehenge” below from YouTube, as well as the usual Spotify and Apple Music. With a new album album on the way December 6 and ANOTHER single coming soon, you’d[...]

see through person – “girl talk”

“girl talk” is the latest from Fort Myers based emo band see through person. Emo comes in all different shapes and sizes and, no, it wasn’t just a phase. “girl talk” trends toward the faster paced, mathier flavors of Cap’n Jazz or Algernon Cadwallader but forges ahead well enough that they stand on their own. You’ll find some funky time signatures that ebb and flow with excellently-plucked guitar and bass strings (in a word, melodic). I won’t ruin when you’ll hear the screaming, but it’s there (and whoever does the lyrics absolute nails it, which is no small feat).   You can hear “girl talk” embedded below courtesy of YouTube or add it to your emo revival playlist on Spotify or Soundcloud. If you like what you’ve heard, be sure to check out the band’s debut album every way of living, of which this is the third track. “Stupid Joke” was[...]

Chandeen – “The Bubbles Blown”

Chandeen, a German based band that has album releases from the mid 90’s to their name, brings us their latest with “The Bubbles Blown.” Started originally as an experimental soundscape type act, (check out “Lumis” from their 1994 album “Shaded by Trees”) the band has grown and evolved over the years to its current iteration (dreamcore, loud and soft as per their Spotify page). As the band states, the track itself is: “about people on the brink of major changes, moments of solitude, unexpected emotional tidal waves, and the vices that follow us.”   The band remembers their roots in creating an atmosphere and applies those lessons to a more traditional guitar forward affair in a similar vein to more contemporary acts like Girl in Red, Slow Pulp, or The Neighborhood.   You can hear “The Bubbles Blown” music video below on YouTube or add it to your German bands[...]

Mr. Sir – “try ur luck”

Brandon Price is Mr. Sir – a solo project based out of Austin, Texas, and “try ur luck” is his latest (and his debut!). Starting off with pulsating drums, I thought this was gonna be a different kind of song, but was more than happy with the result. Price manages to create one of the most impeccably well-crafted bedroom pop tracks I’ve heard in a very long time, and manages to do so under two minutes. From what I can tell, it’s just guitar, drums, and Price’s voice, but damn if everything isn’t just perfect. The whole thing works because he never tries too hard and keeps the instrumentals at a simmer; never allowing anything to boil over. Fans of Elliott Smith’s vocal stylings (with a lot less sadness), early Say Hi, or Midwest emo delvieriess will find a lot to enjoy with this track, as will anyone who enjoys[...]

Stripes – “So Fucked”

Featuring a truly apropos song for the times, “So Fucked” is the latest track and undiluted experience from Brooklyn four piece Stripes. We covered them characteristically fun track “Operation: No Hell” back in October.  And, well, kinda like then, we like we hear (seems so long ago)!   The entire track is a masterclass in pop punk tinged indie rock. Izzy MK rants, raves, and really showcases her impressive vocals throughout. The underpinnings of “So Fucked” are a sublime blend of guitar, drums, and a massively underappreciated bass line throughout with their characteristic raw, indie-rocking sound.   Pretty sure because the F word is so bad, my usual embed didn’t work for “So Fucked” below from YouTube (so just click on the link, sorry). You can also hear it over on Spotify, along with the rest of the previously mentioned “Operation: No Hell.”            

J.S. Mahlon – “Wasteland”

Synth intros always give me a good vibe and J.S. Mahlon‘s “Wasteland” brings it in spades and keeps the synth vibe alive throughout. No nonsense guitar plays really well together with the synth, for whatever reason (must be the contrast). This must be the season for indie folk because this is one of several iterations on the genre I’ve heard over the past couple weeks (none two the same and all embracing what makes them special; i.e. Mahlon’s synth in this track). This actually reminded me a lot of a band we’ve covered previously: Dragon Inn 3 (who also makes great use of their synthesizer). Mac DeMarco or MJ Lenderman fans would find a lot to enjoy here, as well as Adrianne Lenker (who apparently taught Mahlon some songwriting tips at a workshop she runs?). You can hear “Wasteland” below on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music; whatever floats your boat.

Bennett Heidelberger – “100usd”

Nashville based Bennett Heidelberger has a new track out called “100usd” which, at least to me, brings to mind a lot of different thoughts behind the meaning. In this case it’s a very mellow, guitar-forward folk track about being owed $100 (presumably US denomination). The longer I listened, it really seems to go deeper than that (possibly an emotional equivalent to $100). Heidelberger’s vocals are imbued with a lovely warmth that’s difficult to quantify but you can feel it. He ebbs and flows with the crescendo and decrescendo and each word feels soulful and heartfelt. Fans of Alex G, Elliot Smith, or Connor Oberst and his folksier ambitions would find a lot to enjoy, as well as anyone wanting a relaxing yet poignant track to chill out to. You can hear “100usd” below on YouTube or add it to your steady flow of indie folk from us on Spotify or[...]

onlydigitally – “dumb dog”

“dumb dog” is the latest from Houston based onlydigitally and the second time in two months that we’ve heard from the band (“old dog” being the first… do you think it’s about the same dog?) As per the band, the track itself “expands on the inner dialogue of a chronic overthinker.” I’m very jealous of this inner monologue, at least the instrumentals – fans of Slow Pulp or Phoebe Bridgers will find lots to dig into here… Expect gentle acoustic and pedal steel geetar aka that sighing, “country sound” you hear a lot but always forget what the name is. Everything else is pretty spot on with how an overthinker might sound in their head (ask me how I know).   You can hear “dumb dog” below from YouTube or you can add it to your folk tinged playlist on Spotify, or Apple Music. The rest of their Trackstar EP[...]