Risley – “World Goes On”

Feline-christened four piece Risley brings us their latest downbeat jam with “World Goes On.” Portland based (of the PNW varietal), this four piece meanders at the perfect pace through the track but never leaves you wanting. Clocking in at just under four minutes, it feels like Bauhaus and Dinosaur Jr. had a lovechild with split custody. Bass guitar often gets overlooked for its flashier cousin, but does a lot of heavy lifting here by setting the mood. Don’t let the flashy guitar ruin the mood… Even though in all actuality, the lead guitar riff here is quite captivating.
You can hear “World Goes On” below from the band’s Soundcloud, as well as over on Spotify and YouTube. The rest of the album, Umbra Penumbra (January 24) is worth chomping into and would pair well with a pinot noir or a long drive home from work where you just keep going and never come back…Until the next day (just to keep everyone guessing).
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller