“JUST USE YR HIPS VAR. VI” is the latest from Frog off of their upcoming album 1000 Variations on the Same Song due out Valentines Day (February 14). Based out of New York, brothers Daniel and Steve Bateman have come back together for a rousing yet subdued indie album for the first part of the year.


Going with a dandy of a piano medley paired with drums, they play it close to the chest. It just exudes artistry, like your friend Ron’s bachelor apartment of yesteryear – complete with incense from his roommate and some obtuse dinnerware; never rising to ostentatious… but you’re still kinda jealous of that dinnerware. Fans of Bon Iver or Sufjan Stevens would find a lot to enjoy here. Why? Just because. You know I’m right.


You can hear “JUST USE YR HIPS VAR. VI” below from Soundcloud. The prior single “MIXTAPE LINER NOTES VAR. VII” is also well worth the listen and can be conveniently found on the digital equivalent of the B side (track 2). If you didn’t hear “DID SANTA COME VAR. IX” when we told you about it back in December, no sweat (just click that link and you can check it out).






Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
