Camp Counselors Releases “Sighs” on Halloween Compilation No. 2: Gatherings

Spookytacular WNY expat, Kyle J. Reigle, records under the moniker Camp Counselors and for the second year in a row, released another track to producer’s yet-to-be-created slasher flick. The creepy new single “Sighs” has the same feel as Camp Counselors previous works, pairing well with fog coming from the ground, being unsure you locked your door on a windy night, and irrational fears that Freddy Krueger is actually a real person that wants to kill you. The track is included on Halloween Compilation No. 2: Gatherings, the second annual seasonal collection released via Reigle’s Snowbeast Records label. Gatherings also includes contributions from Teen Daze, Psychic Twin, and Medina native, Seismograph.
Listen to the full comp here, and check out “Sighs” below.
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This post was written by Michael Moretti