A Hotel Nourishing Releases First Single From Empty Gesture EP

I remember my introduction to the Buffalo music scene. I drove from my hometown in central New York to catch a glimpse of Say Hi to Your Mom in the dark Sound Lab basement in the middle of a snowstorm. The Wishes and the Glitch was an amazing album. Anyways, upon arrival, I realized I was in Buffalo like an hour before the show even opened it’s doors (Buffalo time was foreign to me) so I had to wait outside in my car for an hour, then inside alone in a booth for an hour, then standing up front until eventually I caught the first band, A Hotel Nourishing.

I initially had thought they were a touring band based on how tight they were as a duo, with Cameron Rogers’ lightning fast, thunderous drumming coupled with Sonny Baker’s wry energy and sprawling guitars. The night capped off with me nervously introducing myself to what I then thought was a rugged touring musician, Sonny Baker, but in actuality was just a 19-year-old savant dipping his toe in the industry.

With that being said, I’ve always had a soft spot for A Hotel Nourishing, so I was psyched this morning when Steak and Cake Records announced  the first release from the duo in seven years, Empty Gestures EP. As a teaser, Steak and Cake leaked the album’s  first single, “Too Bad You Missed the Apocalypse,” late this morning. Led by Baker’s guitar heroics, the lo-fi tune is downright Kevin Drew-esque and would fit nicely on some early  Broken Social Scene recordings

Keep on eye on Steak and Cake’s bandcamp page for the full EP stream  later this fall and in the mean time, listen to “Too Bad You Missed the Apocalypse” below.

Categorised in: Buffalo

This post was written by Michael Moretti
