The Slums Debut New Song “Craw”

Something about the word “craw” reminds me of The Slums – it’s almost as if I can envision them using the word regularly in conversation. Regardless, I think we’ll all be seeing the word “craw” around more often now. Fresh off their show with PILE this Sunday, The Slums have pumped out another half-hardcore, half-garage rock anthem.

These dudes have been buzzin’ around town for just about a year now – articles and blogs are mentioning The Slums at every turn. If you’re late to hop on the bandwagon, imagine the dirtiest, sludgiest rock song from the 1950s with a whirling dervish for a front man… I hope that’s an apt enough description. “Craw,” the lead single off the band’s upcoming summer album, is available for your streaming pleasure below. Enjoy.

Categorised in: Buffalo

This post was written by Nick Sessanna
