The Lovelines – “May Be Love”

Mysterious sister/brother duo, by way of Germany and Florida, The Lovelines bring us their latest single “May Be Love.” I found in it a fun, meandering piece that was honestly *so* relaxing to listen to that I felt like I was on vacation. The wavy guitars interspersed with the sister’s (no idea of their names, unfortunately) singing creates a soothing atmosphere that dream pop aficionados will most definitely enjoy. It’s a perfect, sauntering, dog days of summer vibe for that one last hangout by the pool.

I think the most accurate comparison is probably Alvvays with the jazz vibe turned up like 30%. This was honestly a great stepping off point and I found some of their other tracks such as “1-800-LOVELINE” and their biggest hit “Strange Kind of Love” to be equally awesome.

Be sure to check out “May Be Love” over on Spotify or Apple Music.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
