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Songs of the Summer: Staff Picks

As I type this intro, students have returned to campus, coming in and out of my office at UB North, and with Labor Day weekend upon us, normally the last gasp of summer here in Buffalo, the seasons are about to change for all things pumpkin spice, despite what this recent humidity says. But before we turn the page on another great summer in Buffalo, the blog staff compiled a list of the songs that helped shape the season not only our office, but the city as well. Check out our staff picks below. Ronald Walczyk Mac DeMarco – “The Way You’d Love Her” Not many artists can conjure carefree summer vibes quite like Mac DeMarco can. His latest effort, Another One, is mostly a handful of swaying lully-love songs, with a few standout tracks. One of those standout tracks, album opener and premiere single “The Way You’d Love Her,” took[...]

Staff Picks: Most Anticipated Shows of the Summer

The Public kind of beat us to the punch with its whole “Best Summer Ever” proclamation in this week’s issue, but we have to agree with the paper on this one, at least in a live music sense. Every year, the city’s summer music schedule seems to get better and busier, with bands coming to town they may have passed us for Toronto or Cleveland in the past. Between the revitalized Canalside schedule to the endless club shows that get announced on a seemingly daily basis,  this very well may be the best (music) summer ever. Below are a list of staff picks, selecting our most anticipated Buffalo shows of the season (Spoiler: a bunch of us are pretty hyped for Spoon). For more summer options, make sure to check out our events calendar here. Jon Krol Ceremony w/ Pity Sex at Mohawk Place (7/5/15) Anyone who’s ever seen Ceremony[...]

buffaBLOG’s Songs of the Summer

Labor Day has passed us, football has begun, and pumpkin ales are steadily flowing. All of those are signs that fall has pretty much arrived and summer will soon be a distant memory. While fall in Buffalo is a thing of beauty, its never fun to think about what will be awaiting us in a few months. So, while we still can, lets look back at summer and the music that helped shape our staff’s sunny season. Nick Sessanna Alvvays – “Archie, Marry Me” Imagine my surprise to learn that my pick for song of the summer was from a band whose roots lie further north than us. Toronto’s Alvvays hit blissed-out gold this summer with “Archie, Marry Me,” a charming love song that somehow succeeds at rhyming “matrimony” and “alimony” without even being a little pretentious. With a video full of nautical scenes and sunny weddings (doused in grainy vintage filters[...]

Tonight: Vampire Weekend w/Cults

Today looks like a perfect day for an outdoor concert and what better band for this than Vampire Weekend. Still touring in support of their 3rd and strongest album to date, Modern Vampires of the City, the group seems to be on a perpetual victory lap. For after making two memorable appearances in Rochester recently, the band will be making their Buffalo debut (although I think they played with Dirty Projectors at Soundlab many many years ago before either band hit it big, which was probably amazing for a number of reasons). Tonight, they will be playing the Outer Harbor, a venue that seemingly became a summertime staple overnight. Rounding out this perfect indie summer concert is Cults, touring in support of the excellent sophomore release Static. The NYC band has quickly proven themselves to be a band on the rise and their live appearances are not to be missed. So, the[...]