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Lemuria at Mohawk Place (02/10/17)

We sent buffaBLOG photographer Brendan O’Connor to last Friday’s Lemuria show at Mohawk Place with Mikey Erg and Cayetana. The Buffalo natives, Lemuria, packed the room for the sold-out show, arguably one of the most full the room has been since the re-opening of the venue. Check out the photos from the very special return show below. Mikey Erg Cayetana Lemuria Photos by Brendan O’Connor

Tonight: Lemuria

There are some big things happening in Buffalo tonight, but its pretty clear that Mohawk Place will be the place to be. Lemuria will be making their way to town, but not to perform just any show, they are touring on a ten year anniversary deluxe edition of their fantastic LP, Get Better, which they will be performing front to back, as well as some other cuts. While the the band have since moved away to different parts of the US, the original members spent their time growing as a band playing shows locally in Buffalo. Get Better definitely served as a defining record to many Buffalonians that were active within the music scene when it was released.  Let’s hope they all roll out to Mohawk and show Lemuria some love. Opening show will be touring act Cayetana from Philadelphia, and the one and only Mikey Erg, of the Ergs, will be kicking the night[...]

On Tour with Lemuria

Ex-pat photographer and blogger Derek Neuland recently went out on tour with Buffalo rooted pop-punk trio Lemuria. Over the last couple weeks, Newland, a Queen City native who now resides in Kentucky, has been compiling tour essays and photo galleries documenting his time on the road with the band members he calls friends and shared the moments on his blog, Quiet and Constant. He was nice enough to offer us a few unreleased outtakes from his first handful of tour essays, which you can check out below. If you wish to follow Neuland’s travels with the band and check out his on going collection essays and galleries, make sure to keep up with his progress over on his blog. His most recent essay about the band’s visit to LA’s Galco’s Soda Pop Stop was shared last week. Read about it here. Photos by Derek Neuland

Alex Kerns of Lemuria

Tonight, our local indie rock heroes, Lemuria, will be playing at the Studio at Waiting Room with Tigers Jaw. I had a chance to exchange a few questions with Lemuria’s drummer and Western New York native, Alex Kerns, about the bands history, future, and all things Buffalo related. buffaBLOG: Let’s start with a little history.  How did you and Sheena first meet and decide you wanted to start Lemuria? Alex Kerns: Sheena and I had been friends from high school, although we didn’t go to the same school. I went to Ellicottville and she went to Allegany, but the closest punk shows were in a town called Olean, NY. There were a lot of house shows and then eventually a place called Cobra La that brought through a lot of touring bands, even though it’s a pretty small city.  Sheena was learning how to play guitar and I was learning[...]

Lemuria Shares New Comic Book Paired Track

This week, one of Buffalo’s major music exports, Lemuria, debuted their new single titled “Foggy Smoke,” the B-side off a forthcoming 7-inch. The track is set to be paired with its own 40 page comic, Turnstile Comix #3: Lemuria, documenting the band’s eventful tour through Russia years back. With the band set to hit the road with Into It. Over It. later this month, this should be a nice to morsel to tide over Lemuria fans until the trio’s next proper release. Turnstile Comix #3: Lemuria, and the accompanying 7-inch, is set to be released on December 9th. In the mean time, listen to “Foggy Smoke” below.

Tonight: Peterwalkee Records Fest – Day Two

Day Two is underway for Buffalo’s most talked about independent record showcase, featuring some of the city’s best DIY artists. Peterwalkee Records has put together a great lineup featuring a who’s who of interesting and creatively “free” acts, including hometown heroes, Lemuria, buffaBLOG favorites Space Wolves and Mallwalkers, as well as up and comers Cross Stitch and Newish Star and a host of several others. In addition to the music (doors at 6, first band at 7), the American Legion 1041 (533 Amherst St), will also feature an art show, including art from band members playing the fest. You can expect big sales, vendors from local record shops and all the best food and music this side of the border. If you appreciate the DIY ethic, or are just looking to hear some rad bands, make it down the Legion tonight and celebrate with the best of em.