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Tonight: Failures’ Union

Tonight, the Mohawk Place will be hosting a once in a lifetime gig.  In celebration of Buffalonian Tim Turcott’s 40th birthday, he will be reviving a few of his bands for a rare night of music.  The show will feature The Exit Strategy, who will be playing their first show in seven years, as well as Gathering Ground, who will be playing their second show in 17 years.  In addition to these two rare performances, Buffalo staple Failures’ Union will be kicking the show off.  Even if you have never heard of these three bands, you have without a doubt seen their influence on the Buffalo music scene in one way or another, with members of not only that band, but all three, playing in various other bands in Buffalo over the years. Doors open at the Mohawk Place at 8pm, with music starting at 9pm.  For a cover of only 5[...]

Tonight: Iron Chic

Iron Chic is a band with an amusing tongue in cheek modesty, describing themselves as a “decent” band that plays “acceptable” music. They also go by the self deprecating title of, Your Previous Least Favorite Band, giving the impression that they’re not even important enough to be your current least favorite band, with the majority of their albums collecting dust in the 50 cent bin of forgotten thrift stores and the corners of basements across the country. Except of course, that totally isn’t the case. Iron Chic tackles cartwheeling Long Island pop punk that should turn audiences into a motion blur, and their music couldn’t be more alive. They released their new album, The Constant One, back in November, and now their touring trek leads them to Broadway Joe’s. Speaking of new releases and pop punk, two local acts are also slinging out new LP’s tonight. Longstanding Buffalo act Failures’ Union will bring[...]

Failures’ Union – Tethering

When I mentioned to people that I’d be writing up the new Failures’ Union release, Tethering, I generally got one of two responses.  The first was that these guys were staples over at Mohawk Place. The association makes sense: that’s where the band got its start back in 2004. “We started out in a practice space above the bar, and that tiny room, along with the bar itself, were our homes for many years,” said Failures’ Union bassist Jason Draper.  With Mohawk gone, the band and the city are still feeling the hurt. Failures’ Union has only played four local dates since the venue closed its doors. Draper pointed out that some venues, like Spiral Scratch Records and the newly-resurrected Sugar City, have stepped up to the plate since, but that “it’s a band-aid to a problem that needs some stitches.” If the music scene is going to flourish once again, it needs a[...]