Deadwolf – Deadwolf EP
It’s almost as if five musicians from Buffalo went back in time, taking elements from the sixties, seventies, and eighties, and brought them to July 1st of 2021. Those people are Tyler Mendola, Cody Morse, Bryan Williams, Ken Shockley, and Andy Pothier, aka the long-running and never-imitated Deadwolf. The psychedelic rock of their self-titled EP could turn even the straightest-of-edge person into a full-fledged hippy for at least fifteen minutes. My personal favorite, outro track “Sooner or Later,” takes you on a five-minute sonic trip, floating above the thunderstorm of a clouded reality. You can find Deadwolf EP on Bandcamp (below). You can also find the band (and their entire discography) on Spotify and Apple Music too. Deadwolf by Deadwolf