Sunflower Bean at Mohawk Place (5/6/18)

New York indie-rock trio Sunflower Bean blew the roof off Mohawk Place on Sunday, May 6th, marking theirĀ return to the Queen City since opening for Best Coast at The Tralf Music Hall two years ago. With indelible pop hooks, Fleetwood Mac harmonies, Mick Ronson riffs, and a bit of Johnny Marr’s jangle, Sunflower Bean played with confidence and charisma, invigorating the songs from their newest album, Twentytwo In Blue (MomĀ & Pop). The band even gave a shout-out to Buffalo’s own rock photographer extraordinaire Andy DeLuca, their friend and creative collaborator. Sunflower Bean were supported by feisty London punks Dream Wife and local psychedelic shamans Deadwolf.
Dream Wife
Sunflower Bean
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This post was written by Zach M Anderson