Screaming Females at Mohawk Place (11/03/15)

Another night, another insane show at the Mohawk Place, and this one literally people hanging off of the ceiling (see below). Buffalo’s Hot Tip started the night off, showcasing their straight up spooky style of punk. Potty Mouth soon followed, treating the crowd to an awesome set of their pop inspired punk jams. And it came as no surprise that Screaming Females’ style melodic punk had the crowd in an absolute frenzy by the end of their set.

Check out some shots from the night below, and a full gallery of the night’s photos, click here.

Potty MouthIMG_0031 IMG_0026 IMG_0030 IMG_0036

Screaming FemalesIMG_0067 IMG_0200 IMG_0088 IMG_0118 IMG_0237IMG_0180IMG_0084IMG_0239

Categorised in: Photos

This post was written by Brendan O'Connor
