Say Anything – “ON CUM”

I had heard that Say Anything was still around and rockin’ out, but this is my first opportunity to hear something brand spankin’ new since Is a Real Boy… (goodness, I feel old). Without too much knowledge of everything in between, this sounds like a return to form for Say Anything, and that’s certainly a good thing. We’ve all been through a lot since 2005 and “ON CUM” (LOL) reflects that.
Speaking to “ON CUM” (lol) Max Bemis’ had this to say:
“ON CUM” is an ode to the sanctity of having a second song on any uppity record that at least attempts to truly ‘knock.’ The ‘chopping steak’ beat being included is the evidence we weren’t content to only half-knock when ‘Monkey Wrench’ still exists.”
The combination of Bemis’ voice cutting through the procession of guitars (so many guitars) and that trademark sass really brought me back, and will probably do the same to anyone coming of age in the 2000s. This isn’t to say it’s the same thing with a new coat of paint done as a blatant money grab – you can hear the passion of a master craftsman happily plying his trade.
By far my favorite lines from the song were this:
“Steal your belts from homophobic daddies
Whip the tiger until the pussy is your caddy
Now you are fucked by Holy Fuck, King of Mindfucks”
I have no idea who the King of Mindfucks is, but let’s keep belts off of the hips of homophobic Daddies.
You can hear “ON CUM” on Spotify, Apple Music, or Soundcloud. The forthcoming album “… Is Committed” will be out May 24 on all streaming platforms and June 14 if you need a hard copy!
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller