Wisconsin based Kyle Andrews is a one man indie act from Wisconsin, and “Unfocus Your Eyes” is his latest. It’s a well-crafted indie folk track that maintains that impeccable lo-fi aesthetic while still sounding fresh and new (with a slight hint of bedroom pop). While he almost runs afoul of the adage “don’t trust someone with a first name as their last name,” the “S” ultimately saves him from that.

Guitar lightly salted with a tambourine and brought together with a subtle (yet bumpin’) bass lick is probably the best way I could describe this track in a sentence. I could also further say that if you enjoy the offerings of James Mercer, Jeff Tweedy, or Conor Oberst, “Unfocus Your Eyes” would definitely be up your alley. Here’s a little more about the song from Kyle himself:

“‘Unfocus your eyes’ informed me how I could write the rest of the album. If I attempted to steer or direct, no words would come. If I focused too hard on my immediate desire, it would not come. If I kept my mind quiet, chords and lyrics flowed easily. This meditative place reminded me of those “magic eye” images where you unfocus your eyes to see a 3D image.”

Be sure to check out “Unfocus Your Eyes” on Spotify or an honest to goodness music video via Youtube. Seriously, why can’t we go back to everyone doing music vids?
