Moon Age – “Time is Running Out”

Clear some space and pump this one up because it’s groovy baby. “Time is Running Out” is the chillest vibe I’ve felt in awhile because, I’ll tell you what: I do know a chill vibe when I hear it. UK based duo Moon Age are clearly products of the 80’s or really really really love working that [metaphorical] thang. Bass licks marinating in pools of synth with the softest, slickest vocals you could ever hope to find could have easily found their way to the GTA: Vice City soundtrack.
You can hear “Time is Running Out” below from Soundcloud, or over on Spotify. Their first single “Lie to Me” is equally groovetacular and well worth the listen on the aforementioned music sites. I’m not saying you should throw these on your sexytimes playlist, but you’d be a fool if you did not.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller