Meija – “How You Like”

Meija (aka LA-based producer/songwriter Jamie Sierota) has had a long and storied career, culminating in the synth-drenched indie-pop of his most recent music. We recommend his latest, “How You Like,” a fun and upbeat bop full of acoustic guitar strumming; bursts of percussive piano; buzzing guitar ambiance; and Sierota’s omni-palatable vocals. The song has an interesting lyrical presence, best explained by Meija himself – about the song, Jamie says:
“It is a song about intimacy and how our culture talks (or doesn’t!) about it. Nobody sees you at your worst quite like the clerk who works at the store down the street. You run out, last minute, barely dressed, to go make some embarrassing purchase. I mean, what’s more intimate than that? They might even know more about you than your closest friend!”
“How You Like” is also available on Spotify.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Nick Sessanna