Lucky – “Never Know”

The debut single from Australian native Chelsea Knight, better known by her stage name Lucky, is the incomparably catchy “Never Know.” Hazy guitars compliment Knights vocals, bringing to mind early Silversun Pickups but standing well enough on their own without being a rehash.


The track itself is a love letter to nostalgia and starting over: “…forgetting something beautiful, in the hopes of experiencing it again for the first time. Turning the clock back to a time when things were simpler, pop culture was trashier, and pants were baggier….” Listeners of Soccer Mommy will find a lot to enjoy here too, especially with the strong focus on hazy guitars and vocals.


You can hear it below from YouTube as well as Apple Music and Spotify. Be sure to keep your ears peeled for more; this is one of our top artists to look forward for the month.


Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
