Dissolved Girl – “I’m a Beast”

Besides having an objectively awesome band name, Dissolved Girl has recently released their newest single “I’m a Beast.” A four piece based out of London, this is released in anticipation of their upcoming debut album. It has a distinct post-punk feel and wouldn’t be amiss as an intro to one of the (good) Underworld movies – maybe with Kate Beckinsale driving pensively in a car. Musically, everything is in service to singer Claire Edbrooke’s vocals; at times sultry, brooding, or simmering at the lower end of her vocal range. While she could easily sing me the alphabet and I’d probably still be impressed, I would instead check out the band’s other single “Silt” if you want more examples of her vocal chops.

Be sure to give “I’m a Beast” a listen below from YouTube, over on Apple Music or Spotify. This is a relatively new band, but if you’re looking to get on the ground floor of a female fronted gothy/post punk mouthfeel alt rock band, this is probably your best chance.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
