Croix – Self Soothe

Rochester’s Croix has proven riot grrrl to be alive and well with their debut album, Self Soothe. The punk band delves into the reality of heartbreak, self-discovery, and one’s worth through a rawness reminiscent of 70’s sensations like The Runaways or Heart. Each of the eleven tracks offer a unique sound that fuels listeners with an energy that can only be described as a “lighter-waving-type-of-head-banging.”
The grittiness of “Howl” opens the LP with an ode to trans struggles written by lead guitarist and backup vocalist Jennifer Wameling, with the help of lead singer Carmen Lewis:
“I won’t stop
Until my breath
Leaves my body
My existence is resistance”
In true punk nature, the song was written as a response to a transphobic speech given at conservative political convention in 2023. Now, Wameling hopes it can be a reminder of worth to other members in the trans community.
Throughout Self Soothe, Croix runs the gamut from jangly indie (see songs two and three, “Codependent” and “Cabiria”), to crunchy punk explosions (“Platinum”). It all comes to a close with a perfect homage to female rage – “Plump.” “Plump” brings it home with upbeat drums and a gravelly bassline performed by Anna Liebel and Alyssa Zaso respectively. Lewis seals the deal with angst-filled vocals propelled by her natural edge.
Croix’s Self Soothe is now available on all streaming platforms as of September 20, 2024.
Categorised in: Album Reviews, New Music, Rochester
This post was written by Raigan Martinez