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Wylie Something – Picnic

Buffalo local, Wylie Something, the songwriting vehicle for musician Jacob Smolinksi, is inviting you to a BBQ of freshly grilled tunes for the soul, with an all new record titled Picnic.   For an appetizer, we’re served our first track “Feel Like Jake.” For listeners looking for a classic taste, they may find that the jam-band like vibes of this song call back to the sounds of The Grateful Dead or the bluesy swing of Bob Dylan, while more modern-day listeners might enjoy the heavy indie-psych influence. “Jake” listens like a blue sky with whisky clouds on a slow day, where the smiles are warm and drinks are iced cold. This feeling is captured perfectly in the slow swaying guitar strums, the woozy bongo blips, and Jake’s soulful baritone belting – feeling like a hazy meditation without a care in the world.   This feeling continues into track two, “Stuck[...]

Beach Tower – Another Beach Tower EP

Readers of buffaBLOG – by now, you should already know that when a Fredonia local band releases new music, it’s bound to be noteworthy. Coming off a short hiatus, Beach Tower has large shoes to fill (or should I say, fuzzy crocs), after their intriguing first album If We Make It To May. It’s safe to say that you should slip on some of your own fuzzy footwear and prepare yourself for a surfy, pop punk sensation with their long awaited follow up, simply and wonderfully titled, Another Beach Tower EP.    Before we even dive into this album, for fans of other Fredonia locals such as HitGRL and Ryan Terry Family Band, I suggest you drop everything and go listen to this latest release IMMEDIATELY!  Fun fact, Ryan Terry of Beach Tower is also in both bands making for an extremely recognizable sound that screams “this is Ryan Terry[...]