Tonight: Mac DeMarco

Mac is back! The reigning king of jizz jazz, Mac DeMarco, will make his welcomed return to Buffalo tonight at The Tralf, hopefully this time with full band in tow. Following last year’s excellent Salad Days, the goofball crooner’s latest mini-LP Another One continues his ultrachill slacker rock sounds, but this time draped in full love-song garb. It’s an interesting juxtaposition between love, compassion, and DeMarco’s typical “take-it-sleazy” approach—expect to hear a lot of that tonight. Last year we were graced with swigs of Jameson, crowd surfing, and a ten-minute cover of “Smoke On The Water.” What does the Pepperoni Playboy have in store for us this year?
Doors at 7pm, show starts at 8pm—get there early to loosen up with the unconventional synthpop of supporting act Jerry Paper. And from what I could gather on the show’s Facebook event, the show is now a SOLD OUT affair. So if you slacked off on getting tickets prepare to sell part of your dignity over on Stubhub, the crooks. Godspeed, and jah bless!
Categorised in: Preview
This post was written by Ronald Walczyk