Tonight: Harmonica Lewinski

Rochester retro rockers Harmonica Lewinski make a trip west on the 90 to stir up some trouble and some lewd and lascivious thoughts at Milkie’s on Elmwood. True Rochester and local favorites, you know you’re in for rowdiness at a HL show, especially with local ne’er-do-wells Deadwolf and the newly rechristened Johnny & The Man Kids (aka Pepperoni Boys, aka Spaghetti Boys) opening the show. Come hear songs from Harmonica Lewinksi’sĀ full length debut Head Honcho and cope with… things through some dangerous and properly delinquent rock and roll. It will make you feel good. Or less bad. Cover is $5 and doors open at 9pm.

Categorised in: Preview

This post was written by Cliff Parks
