Tonight: Cheap Girls

Michigan three-piece Cheap Girls have mastered the “throwback” feel. Their quintessential nostalgia-pop-punk sound is completely accessible but manages to maintain a characteristic garage-esque untidiness. There is a palpable earnestness in everything from the vocals to the slushy guitar parts that makes each and every song so inviting. In it’s most simple form, it’s feel good music for those that feel bad and the perfect band to keep in your pocket when you’re feeling a little wistful.

If you’re at all a fan of The Menzingers or The Smith Street Band, I highly recommend seeing Cheap Girls tonight at The Studio at Waiting Room. Some of our favorite local bands including Mallwalkers, Cooler and Apathetic are slated to open. Doors are at 6:30pm and tickets are $12. Be there or be not there, but you should probably be there, as this show will pack a punch. Check the Facebook event for more details.

Categorised in: Preview

This post was written by Shauna Presto
