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Tonight: Start Making Sense

Buffalo Iron Works will be the place tonight when Talking Heads tribute band Start Making Sense “burn down the house” with the music and spirit of that elusive and seminal new wave powerhouse. Endorsed by Bernie Worrell, the godlike genius and legendary keyboardist for Parliament/Funkadelic as well as the Talking Heads in the early 80’s, Start Making Sense gets Talking Heads right without the karaoke, while frontman Jon Braun tastefully handles the difficult chore of channeling David Byrne with a less is more approach that works. Get ready to dance with your neck, elbows, and knees… but please be careful with the sudden hand gestures as you might poke somebody’s eye out of spill his or her beer. Getting things going will be Hall & Oates tribute band HMFO. $12 is day of ticket price and doors are at 8pm.

Tonight: Start Making Sense with HMFO

David Byrne has said time and time again that he has no desire to re-unite the Talking Heads, the band he lead for 15 years, and made some of the best music of the last century. This is a huge shame because the Talking Heads’ music has influenced and inspired millions of people, and there are plenty of younger fans (like me) who will never know the immense pleasure of seeing the Heads in concert. Thankfully,  we do have an excellent Talking Heads tribute band in Start Making Sense, who will be taking this stage tonight at Nietzsche’s. The band perform tunes from every stage of Talking Heads existence, – the heady Brian Eno-influenced years, as well as the poppier later stuff. If you dig the Heads even a little bit, this would be a fine show to attend. The gig will also feature HTMO, a Hall & Oates tribute[...]

Requiem For The Greatest Hits Album

As one of the few people still buying CDs, I’m already something of a musical relic. What I tell you next might shock you though, the last two albums I bought were Greatest Hits compilations. Just in case you thought I was aiming for any hipster cred here, the compilations in question were for Foreigner and My Chemical Romance (both of which I will defend to the death, but I’m just sayin’). Now, this might seem a bit confusing as the greatest hits album is even more a thing of the past than the CD. We more or less killed it when we created the playlist, right? The old problem of “how could they leave off (insert fan favorite here) was resolved once and for all when iTunes gave us the ability to just add that song right along with the others. But while I’m thankful for the ability to[...]