Ratatat at Rapids Theatre (9/3/15)
I was told I’d encounter two things at Ratatat’s live show: lasers and birds. It was my first time experiencing the rock-tronica duo, comprised of Evan Mast and Mike Stroud, and after the forecast I was given, I walked into the Rapids Theatre entirely unsure of what to expect. I think it’s rare to be able to say that and see your own genuine sense of uncertainty equate to bona fide bewilderment come show time, which is exactly what happened. There was a palpable anticipation and an even more palpable energy soaked into the crowd. Pressed up against the stage barrier in the midst of wait time, the security guard in front of me smiled to the few of us up front and said, “This is one of the brightest shows I’ve ever seen, that’s why I’m sittin’ down on the ground when they start.” He definitely wasn’t wrong. About[...]