EdgeFest 2015 at the Outer Harbor (9/12/15)
In 2011, I went to the notoriously rainy UK festival, Glastonbury. In what was one of the festivals worst years yet, rain poured for five days straight creating flash floods and leaving 12 foot piles of boots littering the fields. It was deemed “The Year of Mud.” Never did I think I would experience anything like it again, but as I stare at the mud caked jeans in my laundry hamper, I think Edgefest 2015 might come close. That being said, if there’s one thing that both festivals have proven, it’s that as bad as weather gets, it’s nothing that a few beers and some good bands can’t solve. Opening the proceedings were the rising hometown heroes of Made Violent. After continuing to grow over the past year, the band even caught the attention of UK indie rocks Wolf Alice, who asked the trio to open their UK tour. It’s hard[...]