Kendrick Lamar – untitled/unmastered.
After several rumors surfaced last week regarding a new project, Kendrick Lamar surprise-released a compilation of previously unreleased material in the early hours of Friday morning. untitled unmastered. consists of eight tracks that were recorded during sessions for his 2015 masterpiece To Pimp a Butterfly, but were eventually dropped in favor of other songs. Each song name is simply “untitled” followed by the date it was recorded, spanning 2013-2014. In untitled unmastered. all of the free-form jazz backing and dense lyricism is still present, but without the finely tuned narrative focus that was employed on To Pimp a Butterfly, it plays out like a loose jam session or rehearsal. It has the same inherent feel and inspiration as its predecessor, while at the same time taking on a life of its own by being presented in a new, unhinged context. The content of the album spans an array of subjects, as the[...]