Tonight: Johnny Cash Birthday Bash
There is no ambiguity that exists in your cranial cavity when you hear the words “The Man in Black.” Without question, you know who that is: Johnny Cash. The late country music great is an anomaly, managing to bridge generations as well as integrate them, even though he has been gone from this world for over a decade now. Tonight, the Good Neighborhood will be hosting its annual Johnny Cash tribute show, celebrating his birthday at the Allen Street staple, Nietzsche’s. Everything gets kicked off promptly at 6pm, with Cash tribute band Boy Named Sue playing its monthly happy hour, only to be followed by a lineup of both annual favorites and new comers. On the bill are The CPX, Ten Cent Howl, Stoneflower, David Michael Miller of House Union, and Jim Candytree & Megan Brown of Whiskey Reverb. Everyone has shared their song selections, promising no repeats. The happy[...]