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Tonight: CAGES

“Vivipary” is the name of both CAGES‘ new album and a biological condition. Vivipary, because I am sure you wondering, means “development of the embryo inside the body of the mother, eventually leading to live birth.” Thanks, Wikipedia. I could clumsily try to walk you through how that process is mirrored on CAGES’ Vivipary, but I’d rather just ask you to sit with the image: the embryo growing inside the body, morphing from a distended hunk of cells into a semi-translucent thing with eyes into a fetus as alien as it is human which is finally, agonizingly brought into into a cruel and arbitrary world, a crying hunk of flesh covered in the primal slime and detritus of birth (and that’s if the embryo is lucky!). To me, that’s not a bad analogy for CAGES’ music. It’s beautiful and powerful in the terrifying, inhuman way that nature is. It pertains[...]

Tonight: Brötzmann/Parker/Drake Trio

Tonight is a rare opportunity to catch the international free jazz icons, Brötzmann/Parker/Drake Trio, at Hallwalls. Formerly a quartet, the trio is comprised of Peter Brötzmann (saxophone), William Parker (double bass) and Hamid Blake (percussion). The performance promises to be a nearly cosmic exploration of sound at the limits of jazz and hopefully a beautiful descent in cacophony. So, if you have had your fill of bland indie and want a chance to hear some difficult and invigorating avant-garde music, head to Hallwalls. Music begins at 8pm. Brötzmann / Parker / Drake Trio Hallwalls Sunday, June 8 • 8:00 p.m. FREE ($10-20 suggested donation)

Tonight: Keir Neuringer

Keir Neuringer is what you could call a jack-of-all-trades. He doesn’t limit his mind to one form of artistic expression. Instead, it blends together and crosses over into one experimental golden nugget. Initially Neuringer focused on developing a idiosyncratic relationship with the saxophone that can be heard in his latest LP, Ceremonies Out Of The Air. Neuringer also champions the organ and other electronics, mixing these elements into sonic reflections about our world’s history (see clip below) that demand the listener let go of their preconceived notions about what music is and how it should work. His background in merging visual art with sound brings another dimension of the creative spirit to the table. Don’t go into the performance expecting anything but hearing a new way of approaching music itself. Tonight Neuringer will be playing at Hallwall’s Contemporary Art Center at 8:00 p.m. $10 does the trick.