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Tonight: Taking Back Saturday (Vol. IV)

Tonight Milkie’s plays host to our quarterly-ish installment of emo night, a night where you get to re-live your trips to the mall and dive headfirst back into your Live Journal. This session features four DJs taking over three slots: Derek Neuland (, brothers Cory and Brett Perla (The Public/Mutual Friends), and Jon Coric (The Traditional). Expect a healthy mix of your standard emo tracks (Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy) tosome deeper cuts from The Promise Ring or The Anniversary. Doors are at 9pm with a $5 cover. Try not to cry (too hard).

Tonight: The Ataris

The Ataris may only have released five albums in their twenty one years as a band, but there’s something to be said for a punk band that has stuck around for that long. Vocalist/guitarist Kris Roe is the only original member on this tour, but they’re still playing the same songs you grew up listening to and is guaranteed to be a fun and nostalgic time. Don’t miss your chance to see them tonight at Mohawk Place because you never know if this might be their last tour. Doors open at 6pm with opening slots from The Barksdales and Younger Then. $15 cover. Written by Derek Neuland

Tonight: See Through Dresses

If you have been finding yourself listening to Verucca Salt, The Breeders, Dinosaur Jr., Blake Babies, and other great 90’s “alternative” bands lately, then the lineup tonight at Tudor Lounge can help you scratch that itch. Touring Omahans See Through Dress blends elements from all your favorite bands that Matt Pinfield used to play on 120 Minutes, with a sound that ranges from indie rock to shoegaze to dream pop. Also on the lineup are 80’s gothrock act Orations and raw garage punk band with riot grrrl influences, Trinkit. Doors are at 9pm with a $5 cover. Written by Derek Neuland

Passed Out Share New Single Off Forthcoming EP

Passed Out is the aggressive hat that lead singer Andy Pothier wears when penning frustrated call-out anthems. The Buffalo-based songwriter has been an integral part of the area’s growing scene, regularly playing the circuit with his folk-y introspective solo jams as a singer/songwriter, as well as the percussionist for swamp buskers, Pine Fever and psych-rock act Deadwolf. Late last week, Passed Out dropped their new single “Winnipeg” off of their forthcoming EP, Infinite Regression. Immediately, “Winnipeg’s” intro is reminiscent of The Anniversary’s “Till We Earned a Holiday.” The track is all about a $20 hockey bet backed by an aggressive Japandroids-esque hyper abrasive backing. Fans of Bright Eyes and Desaparecidos will enjoy the vocal style and arrangement on this one. The band describe themselves as “very sad, then happy, then very sad again” and they definitely follow that formula with “Winnipeg.” Keep Passed Out on your radar for their release show on Thursday, August 18th[...]

Alpha Hopper Teases Tracks from Last Chance Power Drive

It’s impossible to put Alpha Hopper in a box, and their song “Western Walk” off their upcoming album Last Chance Power Drive is no exception. It starts off sounding like a straightforward post-punk song, in the vein of your favorite band on a Killed by Death or Bloodstains Across compilation. The one you always put on mix tapes and hope your friends ask you “Who is that band and where did you find them?” That all changes when the second guitar comes in. That’s when you get a taste of their psych-rock influence which fuses with their punk sound and builds up to the end and leaves you wanting more. Which is why this song, at nine seconds short of two minutes, is the perfect length. It gives you a good taste, but when it’s over you just want to hear what’s next. Luckily we don’t have to wait much[...]

On Tour with Lemuria

Ex-pat photographer and blogger Derek Neuland recently went out on tour with Buffalo rooted pop-punk trio Lemuria. Over the last couple weeks, Newland, a Queen City native who now resides in Kentucky, has been compiling tour essays and photo galleries documenting his time on the road with the band members he calls friends and shared the moments on his blog, Quiet and Constant. He was nice enough to offer us a few unreleased outtakes from his first handful of tour essays, which you can check out below. If you wish to follow Neuland’s travels with the band and check out his on going collection essays and galleries, make sure to keep up with his progress over on his blog. His most recent essay about the band’s visit to LA’s Galco’s Soda Pop Stop was shared last week. Read about it here. Photos by Derek Neuland