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Tonight: Boris

It’s not often that an experimental, Japanese metal trio receive the kind of hype that Boris has been showered with. After all, they are decidedly rock (in decidedly un-rockist times) and the words “experimental” and “trio” in the rock idiom are usually attached to bands like YES, a decent act if you like watching paint dry or think jazz fusion is “pretty cool maaaaaaaan”. Fortunately, Boris is not that kind of band. What they ARE is a blistering amalgamation of pyschedelia, ambience, pop and metal riffage rolled into one six-legged package. With influences as deep as Nick Cave, Venom, Sleep, and Nick Drake, one can see how good taste in music often translates to good taste in songwriting. Bonus points for naming your band after a Melvins song. It’s been five long years since Boris returned to Buffalo. Tonight they will be blowing eardrums (literally: earplugs advised) at the same[...]

Just Announced: Boris

Japanese rock trio Boris, who last played the area five years ago, will be making a return to Buffalo this summer on Friday, August 8th at the Tralf Music Hall.  Boris’ experimental rock sound, which has shades of shred tempered by heavy tonal effects, should work well for a venue that just recently housed the devastating Swans show last year. Tickets will go on sale this Friday, April 11th, at noon for $15 in advance, $17 day of.