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Edgefest 2016 (07/31/16)

Local radio station 103.3 the Edge came back this year with another stacked lineup for their annual one day festival, Edgefest.  This year, the fest took place in Canalside opposed to the outer harbor, which I’m sure was a welcome change to many. With rain in the forecast, the crowd still showed  up in huge numbers, and lucky for them, there wasn’t a drop of rain in sight all day.  With blistering sets from Detones, Joywave, Tokyo Police Club, and more, this is sure to stand up as one of Edgefest’s best showings to date.   Check out some photos from the show below, and click HERE for a full gallery The Joy Formidable Tokyo Police Club Joywave Sam Roberts Band City and Colour Deftones

EdgeFest 2015 at the Outer Harbor (9/12/15)

In 2011, I went to the notoriously rainy UK festival, Glastonbury. In what was one of the festivals worst years yet, rain poured for five days straight creating flash floods and leaving 12 foot piles of boots littering the fields. It was deemed “The Year of Mud.” Never did I think I would experience anything like it again, but as I stare at the mud caked jeans in my laundry hamper, I think Edgefest 2015 might come close. That being said, if there’s one thing that both festivals have proven, it’s that as bad as weather gets, it’s nothing that a few beers and some good bands can’t solve. Opening the proceedings were the rising hometown heroes of Made Violent. After continuing to grow over the past year, the band even caught the attention of UK indie rocks Wolf Alice, who asked the trio to open their UK tour. It’s hard[...]

EdgeFest 2015 at the Outer Harbor (9/12/15)

In spite of Saturday’s less than ideal weather, 103.3’s annual Edgefest was hugely successful. Thousands turned out on a dreary day to see the likes of Rise Against, Coheed & Cambria, Modest Mouse, and many other groups as the rain ceased to let up. Local band Made Violent has created quite a fan base over the last couple years and put on a show that seems to ensure its continued success. The trio, who leave for a two week tour of the UK today, managed to set the tone of the show and the other acts followed suit. Edgefest was a show not to be missed, downpour and all. For a full gallery of EdgeFest 2015, click here.

Just Announced: Modest Mouse

One thing that has been happening more and more is that we are getting concert announcements for bands that are totally out of left field. We usually know ahead of time the majority of bands that are going to come through before they are publicly announced based on our network of Buffalo music industry insiders, but not today’s announcement. After a fairly quiet summer at the outer harbor, it was announced at 5pm on the dot that on Saturday, September 12th, 103.3 the Edge would be hosting an evening co-headlined by Modest Mouse and Rise Against, with support by Coheed and Cambria, Highly Suspect, Boots, Made Violent and MORE. Isaac Brock must have had some great wings when he came last spring. Tickets go on sale this Friday, July 10th, at noon via TicketMaster for $31.03 (only as an early bird special). Yeehaw.