Tag Dag – “Suburban Summer”

“Suburban Summer” is the latest single from Melbourne based Tag Dag. From what I can tell, this is a solo act as the writing credits are for a Andrew Peter Longmore Chalmers. With that many names, you’ve gotta friggin’ rock, right? With all seriousness, absolutely.


Filled to the brim with layered lo-fi phuzzed out guitar, this was, for me, an instant ear worm… Ever have that song that just gets stuck in your head constantly? For me that is “Feel the Pain” Dinosaur Jr. I’m by no means a superfan but casually enjoy them. The comparison to “Suburban Summer” is an easy one, but totally on the nose. They also tie in hints of 80s post-punk (think Joy Division) with splashes of 2000’s era goodness like Cloud Nothings or JAPANDROIDS.


You can hear “Suburban Summer” below on YouTube or add it to your Aussie mix over on Spotify. They only have a couple other singles at the moment – both worth a listen if you’re into that sweet sweet phuzz.






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This post was written by Chris Miller
