Stripes – “So Fucked”

Featuring a truly apropos song for the times, “So Fucked” is the latest track and undiluted experience from Brooklyn four piece Stripes. We covered them characteristically fun track “Operation: No Hell” back in October.  And, well, kinda like then, we like we hear (seems so long ago)!


The entire track is a masterclass in pop punk tinged indie rock. Izzy MK rants, raves, and really showcases her impressive vocals throughout. The underpinnings of “So Fucked” are a sublime blend of guitar, drums, and a massively underappreciated bass line throughout with their characteristic raw, indie-rocking sound.


Pretty sure because the F word is so bad, my usual embed didn’t work for “So Fucked” below from YouTube (so just click on the link, sorry). You can also hear it over on Spotify, along with the rest of the previously mentioned “Operation: No Hell.”







Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
